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Forums - Sony Discussion - Force Unleashed hahaha


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Lucas Arts never does a great job on their own games. Star wars is at its best when its licensed out to other people who are better at making games. See Factor 5's Rogue Squadren, Biowares Knights of the Old Republic and the Raven Software Jedi Knight series for examples.

Ok Dark Forces was pretty good and was made by Lucas Arts, but out of 30 star wars games they've made ONE had to not suck.

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stephen700 said:

Force Unleashed
Yep just played the demo and not a single motion support feature not even jump, I am not the slightest bit interested anymore.

The supposed "force" feels more like i am operating a crane with levers (well thumbsticks in this case) - it's booring.

The light sabre effect is totally pathetic it behaves more like using a club - instead of cutting opponents into pieces they just fall over still in one piece and then magically vanish ! - who sharpened this thing anyway i want my money back - the programmers must be too lazy or stupid to figure out how to slice a geometric model into pieces during the game - it's hard to get good help these days. ! The best they managed is a pre-sequenced dice on one of the droids at the start.

Why have a light sabre at all ! it would make more sense if you were bludgoning people with a steel bar since that would be equally as sharp as the light sabre in this game -

This is not next-gen physics it's no better than the old games on the n64 or PS2.

And no motion support you just press a button and the character does some random sword waving.

I suspect the flying parts of the game will be the same rubbish also - Things are worse than ever even the old 1980's arcade starwars vector graphics games had better controls than we get 20 years later (on consoles anyway) at least the PC version you can plug in a flight stick.

If i ever buy this game it will be from the PC titles bargain bin at least i get mouse support that way.

Mabey i just aint interested in games - but why would i be if this is all they have to offer, the resolution my be a little higher but that's about it really.

Really just another Rebadged variant of some generic game engine with the same buttom mashing drugery of most other games so once again my PS3 is destined for occasional use as a media player and room convection heater. !

Well At least the demo was a free download.


You're a bit over the line with this comment, most of your statement is over the line in fact, but you're nearly trolling this game.  Don't state things that aren't true, your statement isn't fact don't state it as one, it's an opinion and one that is completely wrong, the Havok physics engine is not N64 physics...


MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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I found the demo disapointing. The lightsaber was very disapointing except a few droids can be cut in 2. A direct hit of the light saber on a stormtrooper doesn't kill them only weakens them and leaves them unmarked. When they die they disappear like the developers could not be bothered working out how to keep them, after playing uncharted this part is very poorly done.

Only some things deform not everything this makes the physiscs more limited than I expected more like the experience with last gen consoles.

I hope the real game is better and if it gets good reviews I might get it for the PS3 but at the moment the Wii looks more interesting.

Being a Star Wars fan I will have to get a Star wars game for this generation. Thats Lucas doing his Jedi mind control tricks again.

Yep the programmers were on vacation for this game - back in the 1980's the movie TRON used additive and subtractive geometric shape modeling which is one of the foundations of modern CAD systems It was done on computers with pitifull computational powers compared to modern Ghz+ multicore systems used in modern PC's or game consoles.
In spite of the advances in other areas though games like force unleashed just show that the ability of games programmers has actually gone backwards or never really left the 1970's.

To make the robots cut into two pieces they did not use shape plane cutting no it was some graphics artists who draw 2 pieces of robot - you can only cut them one way if at all. !
For the other models it was too complicated even to do this. I have nothing but distain for these people who churn out this formula packaged crap which this and many other FPS games seem to be based on.
This game required a weapon damage system able to cut shape models into pieces and the game failed to provide this - this game is an example of failure.

Another thing is games wich use "button sequence pressing" where you need to press the buttons shown on the screen and then magically you win. (aka the walker fight in the demo) This is pathetic any game which uses this technique deserves to be trashed.
PS3 and Wii theres plenty of motion options which would be better and more intuitive. on the motion disadvantaged X360 they could think of something more intuitive than a press the button sequence.

PS3 number 1 fan

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the demo was actually pretty good

I'm still interested in this game i dont expect miracles but Wii version should be quite different from the HD one. So who knows?

I thought the game is awesome, I really enjoyed the demo. I dont get why everyone is so desperate to move an hold a crate, I think it makes it more challenging if you cant

I'm assuming this was the PS3 demo, since you mentioned motion; the Wii has no demo and the 360 has no motion.

But anyway, so far this is turning out just like I predicted. Euphoria is nothing but Marketing Shinies (tm) and adds nothing of value; even the so-called "professional" reviewers have been admitting this, and the players have been outright vicious about it. Everyone wants to see what the Wii version will do, and most think the Wii version can be better. This is TRUE next-gen gaming we're talking about, folks.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

@ impulsivity. thats why in interested in the wii version being licensed out to krome

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

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