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Forums - Sony Discussion - SCEA President: "We don't buy exclusivity."

libellule said:

"It's deals like this that keep MS from making a profit on their games division."

==> OMG man, microsoft is not buying GTA exclusive content to make money on GTA game sold for Xbox360 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

They are securing this exclusivty to show PS2 owners that if they want to fully play the last GTA sequel on next gen console, they just have to buy a Xbox360 !!!

50$ Million is maybe a big ammount of money for a game, but
1/ it is not a lot for big guys like M$
2/ it is not a lot to destroy their direct enemy : Sony with his PS3 that is losing another exclusivity

Of course, sony possess others game, a lot in fact, but GTA was the biggest exclusivity that Sony should had secured or at least egually share with Microsoft.
Be sure that this news has made a lot of "hype dammage" against Sony

 Don't worry, I understand that the GTA deal was all about the "big picture," which is about selling systems and beating the competition. But you can't tell anyone who is business savvy that $50 million is not a lot of money because it is, especially for something that isn't a full game. You have to figure, what else could MS have done with $50 million. They probably could've funded at least 5 games from smaller devs like Heavy Rain. Obviously MS gambled on GTA DL content being more worthwhile. Perhaps they will be right, but it's still a big gamble to make when you compare it to other projects that could've been funded with that kind of money. 

Personally, if i were running a gaming company, I'd rather spend the money on smaller devs with fresh ideas, especially considering that every generation there seems to be one or two new IPs that seem to blow up. Last gen those two IPs were GTA and Halo. When MS bought Bungie they definitely didn't spend so much on so little like they did with the GTA extra content. 

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

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jman8 said:

Personally, if i were running a gaming company, I'd rather spend the money on smaller devs with fresh ideas, especially considering that every generation there seems to be one or two new IPs that seem to blow up. Last gen those two IPs were GTA and Halo. When MS bought Bungie they definitely didn't spend so much on so little like they did with the GTA extra content. 

It's the big games and well known IPs that sell the most games though.  Why fund smaller devs when the chances of them creating IPs that sell in the millions (which is what would be required to move systems) is slim?

Wow, the Sony First party, I'm sorry, it takes more than first party titles to float a console. N64 and Gamecube much?

Better think of good reasons to explain why boastful claims of Sony's IPs don't sell the PS3 much better when they come out.

End of 2007 Predictions:

Wii =18m






Legend11 said:
Xzbeat said:
In a not-very-disguised jab at Microsoft, SCEA President Jack Tretton told PSM in the latest issue:

"We have a very different approach to exclusives than some of our competitors. We don't buy exclusivity. We don't fund development. We don't, for lack of a better term, bribe somebody to only do a game on our platform. We earn it..."

He went on to say...

"Microsoft is too dependent on the third-party community, and Nintendo is too depended on first-party. We like to feel that we got a pretty good mix."

Someone forgot to tell Jack that Sony is funding development of L.A. Noire.

If Sony doesn't plan on buying any exclusives or funding any new development for third parties then the PS3 is in for a lot of trouble.

 I'm not trying to be an ass, but I had no idea Sony was funding LA Noire ala MS funding GTA DL content. When did this news break? 

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

I'm not entirely sure about the law but isn't it illegal to simply buy exculsivity. I thik it breaches competion laws. You need to dress it up in some way like being the publisher of the game (why does epic need MS to publish a game?) or saying you are helping them learn to program for your machine (since when does Epic needs Sony's help to develope games?).

Around the Network
jman8 said:
Legend11 said:
Xzbeat said:
In a not-very-disguised jab at Microsoft, SCEA President Jack Tretton told PSM in the latest issue:

"We have a very different approach to exclusives than some of our competitors. We don't buy exclusivity. We don't fund development. We don't, for lack of a better term, bribe somebody to only do a game on our platform. We earn it..."

He went on to say...

"Microsoft is too dependent on the third-party community, and Nintendo is too depended on first-party. We like to feel that we got a pretty good mix."

Someone forgot to tell Jack that Sony is funding development of L.A. Noire.

If Sony doesn't plan on buying any exclusives or funding any new development for third parties then the PS3 is in for a lot of trouble.

 I'm not trying to be an ass, but I had no idea Sony was funding LA Noire ala MS funding GTA DL content. When did this news break? 

I'm not 100% sure so I shouldn't have posted it (I thought I was correct until I went back to get proof for you)...

I read an interview with Team Bondi here:

And in it there was this that kinda stood out to me:

"Kristan Reed: Do you believe you'll be as ambitious this time around? If so, in what way?

Brendan McNamara: I'd say the new game is even more ambitious as it's going to ask new questions from our audience in terms of gameplay, how the narrative plays out and also the concept of success and failure.

Kristan Reed: How are you funding the project? Has SCEA given you an advance or is this self-funded and totally independent?

Brendan McNamara: The project is wholly funded by Sony Computer Entertainment America. We have a long-term exclusive arrangement with SCEA."

Of course the problem is the interview takes place in 2004, but LA Noire wasn't announced to the public until 2005... 

Why would it be illeagal to offer incentives for doing business with one's company? Tight business relationships are how the rest of the world works, especially asia. So, I can understand how some of these things might look from a western viewpoint. (I'm a whiteboy btw, just a worldly one).

Secondly, this is just business rhetoric. Don't take Jack T's statements for absolute truth. I just can't think that MS doesn't support its developers in the same way. Nintendo, doesn't need to with its awesome sales. Sony, back in the days of the PS1 and PS2, has seen that game development was one of the biggest ways to win. It has always been the leader for volume of games so, it should come as no surprise that they are pushing hard for that, and currently, when sony's sales are horrible, it looks like they will be getting more exclusives than Microsoft so you know that some big money is being given to the developers. =)

Saying Nintendo is too dependent on first-parties says that they depend on themselves. Pretty obvious...

Saying Microsoft is too dependent on third-parties says that their first and second party developers are weak. Very true, that's why Halo moves millions of systems, while third parties hardly do anything to hardware sales...

Ackmed Tepish said:

Wow, the Sony First party, I'm sorry, it takes more than first party titles to float a console. N64 and Gamecube much?

Better think of good reasons to explain why boastful claims of Sony's IPs don't sell the PS3 much better when they come out.

Bad choice of words. Obviously, the N64 and Gamecube did float, as they maintained Nintendo's profitability and Nintendo's place in the gaming hardware. Sinking is Sega. Nintendo obviously did not sink.

If you had said that "it tkaes more than first party titles to make a console an amazing success and the generational winner," then I'd agree.">">

I don't think it is illegal to offer a company money to work with you but it is illegal to pay a company not to work with your competitor. For example the EU is currently investigating the BDA and HD DVD group becuase of allegations that exclusive studio support was bought.