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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone remeber when everyone said WII was a fad

steven787 said:
steven787 said:

Just for the record.


I sold my original 360, with my Live account because it was just sitting in the corner gaining dust (not really, it RROD'd before the 3 year warranty extension).

Notice the gold strip on top.

That's weird... everybody stopped trying to convince me that I was missing out.



Deopends on what you like is my philopsphy 360 isnt for everyone you didnt like it the good thinfg there are two other consoles to choose from

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

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xman said:
steven787 said:
steven787 said:

Just for the record.


I sold my original 360, with my Live account because it was just sitting in the corner gaining dust (not really, it RROD'd before the 3 year warranty extension).

Notice the gold strip on top.

That's weird... everybody stopped trying to convince me that I was missing out.



Deopends on what you like is my philopsphy 360 isnt for everyone you didnt like it the good thinfg there are two other consoles to choose from


Also for the record, I am rebuying Sep 20 because of the incredible XBLA + JRPG lineup.

I don't know if I am going to do Live or not.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

@reask: I know the thread. I believe i was one of the first to comment it.

The thing is, that the Wiis lineup isn't for you. So far the best games with shooting on Wii are MP3, RE4 and REUC (MOHH?).
Next ones coming that have potential are Dead Rising, Conduit and CoD, so i don't blame you if you like shooters and complain about nothing to little to play.

If CoD or/and Conduit are any good, they sell well (as the Sega rep believes) and we'll see other games like that on Wii. It may take some time but it will happen.

As you mentioned Braid as playing Wii type of games on 360, it works in the other way too with the games i mentioned. Besides Wii type of games is pretty stupid way to describe a game, since it has the most varied library out of the three.

So, are you saying it was a fad for you? Had to get one because it was "cool"? I believe it doesn't quite qualify as "fad", since they tend to be widespread and the game sales doesn't support it being a fad.

I don't really have an idea what a girl that age plays. Nintendogs? Petz?
But what about Boogie or the Dancing Stage (or what was it)? Wii Fit?

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Dno said:

They did a study and morepeople ages 25-36 have a ps3.

More people ages 15-24 have an xbox 360 and wii. So more older people are buying the ps3. But there are a lot of kids in all 3 systems fanbases.


Hmm, your post must be true, because whenever "they" do studies "they" are always correct and very accurate. We should never question the results of the all-knowing omnipotent perfection of "they".

Seriously though, if you can't provide sources for yourself or show where you get your information from, then shut the f*** up.


viewbookimpact said:
Dno said:

They did a study and morepeople ages 25-36 have a ps3.

More people ages 15-24 have an xbox 360 and wii. So more older people are buying the ps3. But there are a lot of kids in all 3 systems fanbases.


Hmm, your post must be true, because whenever "they" do studies "they" are always correct and very accurate. We should never question the results of the all-knowing omnipotent perfection of "they".

Seriously though, if you can't provide sources for yourself or show where you get your information from, then shut the f*** up.


If he is talking about the same study I think he is ...

The study demonstrated that this age group made up a larger portion of the PS3's userbase in North America than the XBox 360 or Wii's userbase; unfortunately, when you looked at how many people this actually represented there were more people in that age range for the XBox 360 and Wii.


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I understand, I'm saying regardless of them asking parents for thier input on that subject it's the part where they would turn off people from the culture of gaming, but as long as they fork up cash for thier games, I personally couldn't careless, they and I are brothers in arms.

Gaming still has a while to go before it's accept as main stay, where reading a good book and playing a good game share the same context...

Money is what drives that, not words.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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steven787 said:
Kenny said:
Xen said:
Fad or not, it has no interesting games and it's third party sales are well... shovelware. It has interesting stuff coming, but nothing that can compare to the PS3 or the 360.

And that's the weird thing about this generation.  We've never before seen a situation where the clearly dominant player has been so shunned by third parties.  It's like the developers are trying to commit financial suicide.


Good, I'm not the only one who noticed.

Wii has the about 25% of the total number of FPS on PS3. right?  5 v 20

Wii and PS3 have the same number of FPS that have sold over a million. 2


How is this not a core system again?


  thats awesome!!! a systme with almost double the userbase is selling just as many FPS as the lower userbase AWESOME!!!!


Dno said:


  thats awesome!!! a systme with almost double the userbase is selling just as many FPS as the lower userbase AWESOME!!!!



thats awesome!!! a system with 10 FPS rated at 80% or higher is selling just as many FPS as a system which only has 1 AWESOME!!!!


xman said:

Anyone remeber the first yeat when everyone was prediciting the WII was a fad and this dramatic drop in sales after the first year.  Kind of funny now watching it wipe the floor with both MS and Sony.


 They still call it a fad.  Just that now they consider it a 2 year fad.  Next year they will say it's a 3year fad and so on.  Until the next gen they will continue to hold hope that it is a fad.

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reask said:
I still think it's a fad.
Even if it sells 10 million a week there is no games on it I want to play.