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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone remeber when everyone said WII was a fad

mike_intellivision said:
Some quick thoughts.

The Wii has 27 Million Sellers, 13 of which are third-party releases. This is more than the PS3 and is about equivalent though slightly below to its ratio (8 of 15 third-party). The Xbox 360 has more Million Sellers and a higher third-party ratio (33 of 42).

Two notes about third parties. Microsoft came on the market first, so making games for them first was natural -- and those games could often easily be ported to the other HD console, the PS3. Meanwhile, Nintendo's Wii was expected to fail hard (not a fad but a flop), so few people got behind it. Some are moving in that direction (somewhat now).

If you remove Microsoft's head start, Nintendo has sold more than the PS3 and Xbox 360 combined since its release (30.91M vs. 30.20M). That is pretty remarkable given the expected outcome.

Finally, with only exception that I could see, the people who still feel the Wii is a fad are in the 18-24 age demographic (this is based upon the profiles being correct). This is not surprising because that is the group that Nintendo has decided to target less as part of its Blue Ocean strategy. If Nintendo had made games a high percentage of games that appealed to that age cohort at the expense of games that appealed to others, it would still be in third place and still being called a "kiddie console" by the 18-24 year olds.

In closing, if you say the Wii has no games for you, that is fine. But if you think the Wii is a fad, it is my belief that you are sadly mistaken. Only time though will tell which position is correct. But it is trending in favor of the Wii.

Mike from Morgantown

I agree WII is not the system for me but it is a highly sucecceesful system and in my mind not a fad.  As for 3rd part development from what I read MS does a great job in terms of supporting and helping 3rd party dev on there system


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

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Two points guys:

a fad is fleeting; here today and gone tomorrow. A steep curvature on a marketing life cycle graph. a fad would be furbies

a trend, however, starts off as a fad, but with time extends to a broad enough audience for a extended period, it becomes a classic. a trend usually lasts for 4-xx years. a trend would be the Simpsons.

consoles are trends. The ps1 and N64 were popular for their time, but became obsolete when the Cube ps2, and xbox arrived. The same will apply for this generation, unless the Wii achieves ps2 level success, in which it will become a world-wide phenomenon.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is the best Zelda title ever made.

"The Person Who Got the Closest to Winning the 1st VGC VC Giveaway, but still lost"

Soriku said:
Apparently the "hardcore" think Wii Sports and Wii Fit are the only games on the Wii yet totally forget about the core games on the Wii now and in the coming line up.


 exactly,  everyone always compares the PS360 line up to AC or wii music. and they definately arnt the best games in the lineup

it would be like me saying. '360 line up sucks,  id take deadly creatures  fatal frame IV and tenchu  over lips anyday'

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Soriku said:
Apparently the "hardcore" think Wii Sports and Wii Fit are the only games on the Wii yet totally forget about the core games on the Wii now and in the coming line up.


 exactly,  everyone always compares the PS360 line up to AC or wii music. and they definately arnt the best games in the lineup

it would be like me saying. '360 line up sucks,  id take deadly creatures  fatal frame IV and tenchu  over lips anyday'

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


@dib8rman: It was to continue your "foaming geek" mindset. As:
Geek: It's bad because it's for kids.
Parent: Oh, really. My kids have been wanting a console, then i propably should get a Nintendo for them.
Geek: But it's bad.
Parent: Why?
Geek: It's for kids.
Parent: And that's why i'm buying it to my kids. Thanks for the tip.
Geek: But it's bad since it's for kids.
Parent: Ehh... I don't understand you... If it's for kids, then why is it bad for them?

Didn't comment anything about how do they contribute their money.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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Just for the record.


I sold my original 360, with my Live account because it was just sitting in the corner gaining dust (not really, it RROD'd before the 3 year warranty extension).

Notice the gold strip on top.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.




She is 10.

fps games are my favourite little or none on it.

I can play wii type games on 360 such as braid.

I done a thread  yesterday called wii is great oppurtunity for hitting hardcore gamers.

Sega head: Wii is “great opportunity for hitting hardcore gamers”

Still is'nt happening.

Anyway I will beg to differ as I could be wrong.

But I still have no interest in it with it's current line up.

That to me makes it a fad sorry.






The wii is a fad like condoms ....but instead of preventing stds and pregnancy it prevents boredom . And like condoms its not for all or 100percent guaranteed

Soriku said:
libellule said:
Still a big lack of "hardcore" third party support

(well, even first party indeed ... see last E3 if u dont believe me)


You know they've shown off casual things at E3 for the last three years...right? Yet they still have time to show off their core games (look at their other conferences/events throughout the years. They showed of SSBB, and SMG, and MK Wii...etc. Not only that but do you remember last year's conference in October? They showed off all their core games and third party core games and announced MH3 for the Wii which was big.).


==> hum, I didn"t know Ninty was used to show casual games at E3

I believe you.

I m waiting for these hardcore games then ..

TGS maybe ?

Time to Work !

steven787 said:

Just for the record.


I sold my original 360, with my Live account because it was just sitting in the corner gaining dust (not really, it RROD'd before the 3 year warranty extension).

Notice the gold strip on top.

That's weird... everybody stopped trying to convince me that I was missing out.


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.