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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony on PS3: You're "paying for potential"

Is anyone even reading the thread?

This statement was made back when the PS3 didn't have that many games.

CVG have made a misquote in the article people!

Chances are we have already had a thread about this statement before, and it is by now outdated, because there is plenty to do with it.

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Even putting aside the validity of the "ten year plan" for the moment, this is just bad marketing. Which would you choose:

1) Pay more money for "potential" today
2) Pay less money when said "potential" is fulfilled later

That's not smart marketing. You want to convince people, today, that the machine you have is the best one to buy, right now. Even if you have (very lofty) long term goals.">">

DMeisterJ said:

I know it's a race to post any kind of negative Sony quote whenever it happens but damn! This was quick.

It's like some sort of magnet.

Though, I've never understood the point of posting it. I mean, we've been doing it forever, and nothing ever changes. PR has always been stupid, I don't know why anyone posts it though, not like it's gonna change.



I agree.  I can't remember the last time an article portraying the Wii/360 negatively was posted.



Stop complaining.  This forum is for Sony discussion which includes all news/interviews, good or bad.  Yes PR has and always will be stupid but that doesn't mean it's off limits.  There's plenty of idiot execs from all 3 sides that need to think better before they speak and we'll keep posting it whenever they don't.

I'm getting tired of the "People keep attacking insert favorite company here" victim card.

"... just wait until..."

gebx said:
Holy #*$! !!!!

New AWESOME Sony Exclusive called "Potential" CONFIRMED!!

i wish it were true


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jankazimierz said:
A year ago you were paying for potential, but I think now, with games that (according to reviews) look better on the ps3 than 360 (like DMC4, Burnout, GTA4, madden 09, soul calibur 4, etc) your getting some of that potential.

Of course how much its worth to have slightly better graphics now is arguable.

We will have to see if the spread of graphic quality increases between the 360 and PS3. Of course by that time I bet MS will release a new system that is far superior to the ps3 (late '09/early '10)?


FUD = Correction.


Higher frame rate and higher resolution on Xbox 360, better colour palette on PS3, also texture popin has is more of a problem on the 360 due to reading from DVD drive. This will be eliminated when HD installs are available in a month or so.


Slightly better graphics on PS3


Higher resolution and proper AA on Xbox 360

Madden 09...

No review has stated Madden 09 as being better on PS3 to my knowledge, and all forum discussion has proven that infact the 360 version is a *tiny* bit better.

Soul Calibur 4

Higher resolution on Xbox 360 and better AA. There is a some kind of blur filter applied to the 360 version but this was an artistic decision, and would have actually costed performance to apply.


Please cut the crap, its old. I don't know where you get your information?

Burgles said:
gebx said:
Holy #*$! !!!!

New AWESOME Sony Exclusive called "Potential" CONFIRMED!!


Sony - End of Year School Report

Effort - C-

Attainment - C



Conclusion, Sony has demonstrated lots of potential in class, however, he seems to have trouble applying himself and is easily distracted by his fellow peers.

I'm afraid given Sony's lack of effort and determination in maximising his potential until now. I'm going to have to FAIL the little bugger. I know Sony won't be happy with this, I'm afraid however that actions speak louder than words and Sony has had the best part of 2 years to pull his socks up.

everyone should go to school and get themselves educated on how this post does not make sense.



I tell you what, I like Sony's statement cuz that means that I can buy this console in 10 years way cheaper than it is now and play the games I might miss on like MGS 4, also at a discount rate. Good job Sony, you got me to buy your PS3 in 9 years!!!

What are you looking at, nerd?
Fernando said:
"... just wait until..."

I'm still waiting for you to get a new schtick aside from all of the Sony hate.

I've been waiting longer than PS3 owners waiting for domination.

Rainbird said:

Is anyone even reading the thread?

This statement was made back when the PS3 didn't have that many games.

CVG have made a misquote in the article people!

Chances are we have already had a thread about this statement before, and it is by now outdated, because there is plenty to do with it.


Apparently not.  I agree on reading through it seems to be taken out of context.  What the hell, let 'em argue!


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...