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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who else is sad that Nintendo is winning/won this gen ?

Million said:

Hardcore gaming is likely to never die but when the priority is on the casual gaming market support for traditional gaming is going to go down.

Hence my statement "At the end of the day it means less games like God Of War and more games like ... Mario & Sonic at the olympics"

That's not to say that games of God Of War will cease to exist but they'll come round less often than they did because the emphasis has shifted.


Right, I think this is correct. There will be less games catering to you and more to other people. This should be common sense: I don't even know why there is a discussion about it.

Sorry, I guess? Your great grandfather used to tell your grandfather that Jazz was nothing but insolent noise; your grandfather then told your father that Rock N Roll was only for druggies and hippies; and now Rap is for criminals and thugs.

And inevitably, our generation will be telling our kids that the stuff they like is crap. Apparently that's already happening for you, with the Wii. Or, you could see the larger picture, and realize that no one's taste in entertainment schlock is popular forever, and it's no big deal when it happens. Oh well.">">

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Your tastes are not better: you cannot possibly convince me that something like God of War is "deeper" or something than Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. They're both stupid, insipid entertainment. The difference is that you happen to personally like one, but not the other.

Yes, your personal tastes are going out of style. My tastes in music have been out of style for over a century. This isn't something new.">">

.jayderyu said:

azrm2k said:

No dev/analyst/reporter expected it.  Except for Gamestop.  They had a decent article predicting Wii to sell well and how "games should be fun".  I think it was posted on April 2 or somewhere around there."


I thought that was from GameSpot the review site. Also I thought it was an April 1 joke not a serious article.



Yeah I meant Gamespot.  And I was joking when I said "around April 2".  It was an April Fools joke.

I'm not..............

Million said:

Hardcore gaming is likely to never die but when the priority is on the casual gaming market support for traditional gaming is going to go down.

Hence my statement "At the end of the day it means less games like God Of War and more games like ... Mario & Sonic at the olympics"

That's not to say that games of God Of War will cease to exist but they'll come round less often than they did because the emphasis has shifted.


Edit : Wii Fans are calling me ignorant ,  You can't call me stupid because i dislike the Wii wtf ?

Everyone has their own taste. I think the wii has some great games. It doesn't have a bunch of shoot them up blow them up games. But that is not what makes a game good. You don't need blood all over the place to enjoy a game. But expect to see much more good games on the wii. You may have a different mind set in a couple of years.



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Viper1 said:
Griffin said:
Nintendo has not really won anything, Sony lost touch with the PlayStation fanbase and they are paying for it. Next gen things will start to go back to a more normal setting. Nintendo will not be able to keep this going next gen, Sony and Microsoft have learned from their mistakes and we will see an entire different war going next gen.

1. Next generation doesn't start until we say it starts.

2. Sony domination begins Nov 2006.

3. Sony domination begins next month.

4. Sony domination begins next quarter.

5. Sony domination begins next year.

6. Sony domination begins next generation. *


* - Which according to Sony and many fanboys starts in 2016 thanks to the 10 year plan.


1) WTF are you talking about?
2) I for one have never said anything about Sony domination in my entire time on this site.
3-6) Same as above.

And based on your last sentance you completely misunderstood the idea of a 10year plan.  I also don't expect Sony to "win" this gen or next gen in the sense of selling the most systems.  But the succes Nintendo has seen this gen will not carry over to the next gen.  Sony will not produce a system that is over $600 for the US, and over $1000 in some other countries.  Microsoft will learn from this generation and based on those facts each company will produce a system that will have a greater acceptance by the gaming community.


Million said:

I hear what people say about Nintendo defining this gen with the innovation and such but i'm just not feeling anything nintendo has to offer ( with the exception of SSBB and Zelda ) I love Nintendo but I don't care about Wii Fit , Wii Sports , Wii *Anything* , I hate games like Animal Crossing, Bloom Box , Carnival Games and i somewhat like the Wii-mote but not in the way that i think it should be the standard.

This thread isn't about the fact that I dislike the Wii it's about the fact that the thing i dislike the most is the most popular console availible, it kills me . I remember the good old days when the PS2 was king now i feel like a war veteran who no one cares about anymore i fought for you and coulda died yet you still don't acknowledge me :(

I'd rather the XBOX 360 was at 30 million, i wish the Wii was HD...oh well

the casual demographic is killing my gaming experience this gen with developer priority eventualy switching to the Wii where the hell will i get my hardcore gaming fix ? without profiability Sony will loose reasons to keep running their development reosurces at such high capacity. I'm blaming the Wii for the loss of Eight Days and >>GETAWAY<<<, you friggin killed getaway Wii

At the end of the day it means less games like God Of War and more games like ... Mario & Sonic at the SD... with a motion sensing controler.....what have we become.

It's funny. I didn't actually have too much of a problem with the first chunk of your post. Sure you were being overdramatic and silly, and I sure as hell didn't agree with a word of it, but since it all boiled down to "most Wii games just aren't my cup of tea" I can hardly complain.

Where you caught my attention was in the latter half. You see, the Wii is not killing gaming. The Wii is not even killing "Hardcore" gaming. No, it is High Definition that is killing gaming of all types. When Sony and Microsoft opted to cater primarily to the young techno-centric male this generation they did so by creating systems which needed so much skilled talent that development costs became absurd.

Where a game for the Wii or any of the last generation consoles would set you back $7.8-$9m, an HD game averages $18.8m-$28.2m. In other words, HD has tripled, even quadrupled development costs, and the extra 20% increase at retail is not going to offset such a traumatic increase.

But why take my word for it? Allow the industry to speak for itself.

EA Mobile's former VP: "Vivendi Games/Blizzard. Harmonix. BioWare Pandemic. Big Huge Games. All of these companies have recently merged with or been bought up by their respective suitors. It would seem that the flag-wavers of independence are disappearing..."Don't blame consolidation. Blame Sony and Microsoft for jumping the budgets up to $30 million for a console game."...It’s that high price of entry that will cause many of the industry’s real innovators to completely avoid working on the major consoles in the packaged goods business. “At this point, the console game business and PC boxed game business is closed unless you want to dance with the devil.”

Red Fly Studio's founder: "Wii development is easily one fourth, one fifth, even one sixth of some 360, PS3 projects, and those projects are easier to sell to developers...And also budget comes into play. When you’re a new studio and you’re asking someone for four million, that’s a lot easier sell than asking them for twelve. It just comes down to numbers and risk assessment. So that’s the reason we chose that console.

Hudson has ruled out developing and publishing full PS3 games, due to the development costs on Sony’s format being too high.


You may, perhaps feel that all of this is irrelevant, that you shouldn't care if some companies are unable to make HD games for fear of being priced out. Unfortunately, that view is far too short-sighted to serve your own interests, since even selling over a million copies can sometimes not be enough to turn a profit on an HD system. Have you not noticed the record number of studio closures we've had in the past few months and years, closures which occured despite the fact that the industry is seeing record revenue? In fact, have you noticed how it's often the companies that focus on the DS and Wii that are really being profitable, and that those who focus on the HD consoles either live or (more often) die on whether their gambles pay off?

Do you now see why Tecmo, which was initially scornful of the Wii's chances, now admits supporting the Wii because it's necessary to do so for business purposes? Why Sega, who remained skeptical of the Wii in 2007 and felt that the PS3 was still the way to go, has now reversed course and said it focused too much on the PS3 and not enough on the Wii? Hell, even on the download services, HD costs are becoming too cumbersome for indie developers to work on those systems without financial support. The simple fact of the matter is that HD costs are what is killing gaming. The loss of Eight Days and Getaway has nothing to do with Nintendo, and everything to do with High Definition. So long as games cost more money to develop than many third world cities generate in a year, gaming will be in serious trouble.

But please don't despair. Traditional games will continue to flourish as time goes on. Just as the DS was originally nothing but mini-games and quirky "non-games" for its first year only to become the bastion of "hardcore" games, so to will the Wii get more games like Madworld et. al. And, with any luck, HD costs will somehow decrease by the time the next generation rolls around, so you'll be able to have your cake and eat it too.

No promises about the latter, though.

Bodhesatva said:

Your tastes are not better: you cannot possibly convince me that something like God of War is "deeper" or something than Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. They're both stupid, insipid entertainment. The difference is that you happen to personally like one, but not the other.

Yes, your personal tastes are going out of style. My tastes in music have been out of style for over a century. This isn't something new.

Huh i said my tastes were better ? i don't recall that bod.


@noname , good analysis i'm not so much worried about the gaming i know and love dying i think there will always be a market for it . I'm worried about a decline , a shift in priority away from what I like. That's not to say what  I like is superior in away way to what's popular right now I'm just not happy priority is being shifted away.


Million said:
Bodhesatva said:

Your tastes are not better: you cannot possibly convince me that something like God of War is "deeper" or something than Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. They're both stupid, insipid entertainment. The difference is that you happen to personally like one, but not the other.

Yes, your personal tastes are going out of style. My tastes in music have been out of style for over a century. This isn't something new.

Huh i said my tastes were better ? i don't recall that bod.


@noname , good analysis i'm not so much worried about the gaming i know and love dying i think there will always be a market for it . I'm worried about a decline , a shift in priority away from what I like. That's not to say what I like is superior in away way to what's popular right now I'm just not happy priority is being shifted away.


I getcha (and sorry for not being more succinct!). Honestly though I wouldn't worry that there'll be too much of a shift: Yes, developers are opening studios devoted to "casual gaming" (with names like Wee First...), but those studios are often composed of new hires (usually from the same studios that closed down elsewhere) rather than from the guys who're making Spore or Mass Effect. So don't worry too much about the traditional stuff: as even the Wii is showing, the number of such titles is holding steady (Call of Duty, Conduit, Madworld, Rygar, and many many more. See this thread for more examples).

Besides, with development times being what they are, any shift that DID occur would still be a few years away yet, so just sit back and enjoy the gaming for now.


Million said:
Bodhesatva said:

Your tastes are not better: you cannot possibly convince me that something like God of War is "deeper" or something than Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. They're both stupid, insipid entertainment. The difference is that you happen to personally like one, but not the other.

Yes, your personal tastes are going out of style. My tastes in music have been out of style for over a century. This isn't something new.

Huh i said my tastes were better ? i don't recall that bod.


@noname , good analysis i'm not so much worried about the gaming i know and love dying i think there will always be a market for it . I'm worried about a decline , a shift in priority away from what I like. That's not to say what I like is superior in away way to what's popular right now I'm just not happy priority is being shifted away.


Which is why I didn't quote you in my post: it's a generalized comment to those who love games like God of War but dislike games like Mario and Sonic.

 I really don't know what to tell other than "oh well." Yes, your personal tastes in games will decline. So, eventually, will the tastes of those who like Mario and Sonic style games -- and thus, the world turns.

Just out of curiosity, Million, when did you start gaming?">">