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M$ pays for sex too lol

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

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Aj_habfan said:
madskillz said:
Aj_habfan said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Aj_habfan said:
"MS does not pay every publisher to put there games on their system. The only case was with the GTA IV DLC"

Bioshock was bought as a timed exclusive as well. You also mean to tell me all those Japanese developpers chose the 360 over PS3? Please, the 360 is a joke in Japan and without getting payments from Microsoft they would be suffering huge losses for no reason.

360 may be a joke in Japan based on console sales, but the Japanese are barely helping the cause for Sony with 2.6 M consoles sold, huh? This is why Enix made the games for Europe and North America only. They omitted Japan. Japanese developers are choosing the brand making more money and having a more frequent sales value in games as opposed to the other. This way they can ensure their sales numbers if Sony falls short.


I'm not refering to just Square Enix games, just take a look at all the JRPG's exclusive to 360, most are only released in Japan. It's crazy to not think MS payed them to keep it that way.


WHY can't it just be that the 360 was out first, the 360 was easier to design for AND MS politely reminded folks 'We have the userbase, we can give you X many sales. If you go to the PS3, look at their attach rates. Most are buying it for the Blu Ray. Think about it ...'

If the dev can get P.A.I.D. expending less effort on one console vs. expending a lot more effort on another, gimme the easy way out FTW.


Because they don't even make back the production costs.



They can because it costs less on the 360. With the PS3 they have to work double time to make a game thats visually accurate, even though the PS3 is more powerful. If the 360 version sells well, thats all she wrote, they got what they invested in.

Aj_habfan said:
How much did MS pay you to write this?




In any case, bioshock developer also said microsoft paid them to delay the ps3 version.

Check out my game about moles ^

Games are published for the 360 because the publishers feel that they can make more money on the 360 rather than the PS3

LOL you are funny. Ever thought about the possibility to release a game on BOTH consoles. I am pretty sure Sony paid Konami quite a bit to make MGS4 exclusive (perhaps in lower licence fees, advertisement etc. ) And I am equally sure that MS pays through their nose to make Gears of War exclusive.

Small titles like Red Alert may be exclusive because publishers don't think that the porting is worth it, but big titles that would sell millions on both consoles are only exclusive because the developer is first party (SONY) or the console manufacturer paid the publisher (MS).

Aj_habfan said:
"MS does not pay every publisher to put there games on their system. The only case was with the GTA IV DLC"

Bioshock was bought as a timed exclusive as well. You also mean to tell me all those Japanese developpers chose the 360 over PS3? Please, the 360 is a joke in Japan and without getting payments from Microsoft they would be suffering huge losses for no reason.


So that means that what MS did was only good for American and European 360 owners? How f'n dare they...

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Around the Network
Kyros said:
Games are published for the 360 because the publishers feel that they can make more money on the 360 rather than the PS3

LOL you are funny. Ever thought about the possibility to release a game on BOTH consoles. I am pretty sure Sony paid Konami quite a bit to make MGS4 exclusive (perhaps in lower licence fees, advertisement etc. ) And I am equally sure that MS pays through their nose to make Gears of War exclusive.

Small titles like Red Alert may be exclusive because publishers don't think that the porting is worth it, but big titles that would sell millions on both consoles are only exclusive because the developer is first party (SONY) or the console manufacturer paid the publisher (MS).


Actually Konami was pressuring Kojima to make the game multiplat because of how poorly the system was selling in the beginning. Kojima refused. Who knows? Maybe he got payed and maybe he didnt?

Zucas said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

The real question is why to Sony fanboys feel that it makes to handle, by assuming MS was willing to pay developers to support and appease its fanbase, but Sony wasn't. Isn't, "Well MS paid them" a good thing. Don't you wish super-rich Nintendo paid 3rd party developers for FFXIII and such? Wouldn't that be a good thing for Nintendo?

Or is it because of the stigma that "MS has infinite money, so this is nothing to them, and the PS3 is better, but developers choose the 360 cause of MS money, only." So basically, you're saying one piece of metal and plastic is better than the other, because of the name printed on it, and the fact that it has a blu-ray device that is replaced by 4 seconds of disc changing every 10 hours of gameplay?

Wouldn't a better talking point to spout in all these FFXIII threads be, "Well RRoD existed and there was no excuse so I bought a PS3." That one actually makes sense, and isn't know...positive piece of PR for your competitors and their fans?

Your not going to see a Japanese company do that because even corporations follow the code of honor and respect.  Something like that hits the media and you can bet stock prices drop. 

I'm not saying they don't do it but it's something they'd never allow to hit the media because that's considered bad press.  Personally I agree with them as it is a matter of honor and respect... but unfortunately you aren't going to see that with most business.  Which is nothing to argue about because honor and respect can interfer with profits and money of course... but not in a case like this.



 Thats nonsense..."Honour and respect"?

No, just no.

You have no idea what your talking about. Yeah way of the samurai, honour and respect!!! Japanese compaies don't work like that in the way they do buisness.


There's nothing dishonourable about securing an exclusive with a contract based on money, its the norm these days for ALL FORMS OF MEDIA...and..ALL FORMS OF LICENSING.


You just don't like it because m$ has pot loads of money and you think its not fair on Sony.

Staude said:
Aj_habfan said:
How much did MS pay you to write this?




In any case, bioshock developer also said microsoft paid them to delay the ps3 version.


 Nice way of using negative language.

Zucas said:

Your not going to see a Japanese company do that because even corporations follow the code of honor and respect. Something like that hits the media and you can bet stock prices drop.

I'm not saying they don't do it but it's something they'd never allow to hit the media because that's considered bad press. Personally I agree with them as it is a matter of honor and respect... but unfortunately you aren't going to see that with most business. Which is nothing to argue about because honor and respect can interfer with profits and money of course... but not in a case like this.


You are absolutely right. A lot of people at VGChartz site don't really have a clue about how general Japanese people think.

Why doesn't SE dare to release FFXIII for Xbox360 in Japan?

Even so, the negative impact of announcing FFXIII cross plateform is big enough to force SE do some damage control at the DKΣ3713 event: reiterating FFvXIII remains「Playstation3 only Worldwide」to their Japanese audience.


It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

Why doesn't SE dare to release FFXIII for Xbox360 in Japan?

Because there are three Japanese who have a 360 in Japan and they most likely have some kind of contract with Sony?