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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Video Game Controllers

What video game controller is your favorite, and why?

I personally like the Nintendo Wii controller the most because it is innovative, and enhances game play. What about you? Out of all of the video game controllers that exist, which one do you like the most? Does it look nice? Is it comfortable? Is it good quality?

What controller do you like the least, and why?

I personally like the Atari 5200 controller the least. I find nothing wrong with its quality, but its joystick is some what awkward. As it stands, I really have no problem with any controller that exists. I like all of them. They all have their weaknesses. What are your opinions? Are there any controllers that you really dislike? Are they awkward? Are they cheaply built? Are they too big? Do they look ugly?

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That's a really hard question. I would say out of current controllers the 360 has it, it really is just a good all around controller (other than the D-Pad). There are other great controllers for many different reasons, but I'm just going to keep it simple and say the 360 controller.

My least favorite controller is probably the Wii Classic Controller or the PS3 SIXAXIS.  I love the feel of the Classic Controller and the layout, but I hate the cord at the top and the fact it doesn't have rumble bothers me, still though, it's comfortable.  I actually think I like the SIXAXIS less than the Classic Controller because it's just not comfortable, the tilt doesn't feel great, and no rumble.  I use to love the Duelshock design, but after holding the Wii Remote and 360 controllers, it's just so uncomfortable.  Add on to that the fact it doesn't have rumble and the tilt really doesn't do much for me and you have my least favorite controller.

Mouse + Keyboard. Wired, not cordless.">">

Its hard to say really. It all depends on the game.

My favs are Wii-mote, Xbox360 controller and Keyboard and Mouse.

Currently playing:
Wii: MySims | Xbox360: Halo3 / Pac-Man C.E | DS: Scurge | PSP: Ghost in the Shell

"Lesbians, Better then eMail."
~Lanky Man - My Big Fat Independent Movie

twesterm said:

That's a really hard question. I would say out of current controllers the 360 has it, it really is just a good all around controller (other than the D-Pad). There are other great controllers for many different reasons, but I'm just going to keep it simple and say the 360 controller.

My least favorite controller is probably the Wii Classic Controller or the PS3 SIXAXIS. I love the feel of the Classic Controller and the layout, but I hate the cord at the top and the fact it doesn't have rumble bothers me, still though, it's comfortable. I actually think I like the SIXAXIS less than the Classic Controller because it's just not comfortable, the tilt doesn't feel great, and no rumble. I use to love the Duelshock design, but after holding the Wii Remote and 360 controllers, it's just so uncomfortable. Add on to that the fact it doesn't have rumble and the tilt really doesn't do much for me and you have my least favorite controller.

I'm happy to know that DualShock fans can be brought to their senses once they've actually held a comfortable controller. :)

I'll say the DualShock is my least favorite, but I don't think I have a favorite. All of Nintendo's controllers have been awesome, but in very different ways. The N64 controller still has the most accurate analog stick, it's just a shame that it wears out after heavy use. The SNES gamepad is the epitome of simplicity and function; it was simply perfect for the games of its time and set the standard for all future controllers. The 360 gamepad (and Xbox controller S) is a great all around controller, and probably has the best analog triggers, very helpful for racing games that use them as pedals, but I'm not fond of its D-pad; it reminds me of the Saturn's D-Pad, which was the worst D-pad in the history of video gaming. The Gamecube controller gets props for its accurate and sturdy analog stick, though the C stick kinda sucks, the D-pad is far too small and out of reach, and the button configuration is a little odd (but seems to work fine for most games).

Obviously, the Wii Remote is something special. Maybe I'll declare it as my favorite after blasting some more targets in Wii Play. :)

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the Wii classic controller is the greatest... lack of rumble is a problem but I don't find the cord an issue and it's really comfortale, all the buttons and especially the d-pad feel great

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

My favorite is either SNES controller or the N64 controller. I haven't played yet enough with Wii Remote and haven't played enough different types of games with Wii to say how good it really is.
And the worst controller is definately DualShock/DS2, they should have put the left analog to where the D-pad is (atleast for the second model) and it wouldn't be THAT bad.

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I think my favorite is the N64 controller. Just something about its layout and shape that, while it did seem odd at first, worked very well.
My least favorite controller of a SUCCESSFUL console is easily the DuleShock. Its D-pad is so mushy and unresponsive. But i think my most hated controller is that of the CD-i...terrible.

i grew up with sega genesis...that was the most easy control scheme ever and soon when the Playstation came out i fell in love with that control scheme and even when they brought out the dual shock....yes the dual shock 1.0!!!!

I acually the dualshock controllers but really disapointed in the sixaxis controller. ts too light and no rumble. I like the 360 controller but the d-pad sucks. My favorite controller is the Dualshock/SNES and my least favorite is saturn/cdi