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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Amazing new tech demo of Wii Motion Plus

All they need is one good commercial to convince the market of what this thing can do. When people see what it's capable of I think then people can make up their own minds about buying it. I personally think the tech has amazing potential if Nintendo pushes it HARD.

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DOATS1 said:
wow lol, i honestly thought that my wiimote was already capable of all this. so right now the wiimote is an ir pointer with an accelerometer?


Yep. The accelerometer can simulate the function of a gyroscope by detecting the direction of gravity (a constant force of acceleration), but this simulation can't detect lateral rotation and tends to be laggy and inaccurate. The gyroscope detects orientation with far fewer problems, and also helps the accelerometer distinguish between what's gravity, what's rotation, and what's actual motion.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

NightDragon83 said:
Forget Wii Sports, etc... do you guys realize that this could essentially replace the MOUSE as we currently know it?!? Imagine rather than clicking on a static 2-D plane for all your applications you can "reach into cyberspace" for stuff on your desktop... all kinds of 3-D applications are possible, for example I use programs like AutoCAD for architecture and house designs... with a program that fully realizes what the Wii Motion Plus is capable of, I could create a fully interactive 3-D design in no time rather then draw it in 2-D and "render" it into 3-D.

This is the future my friends, not just for games but for pretty much everything computer-related... how can you NOT be excited about this stuff?!?

Agreed. And that is a very good example of how Wii Motionplus can be used in a manner outside of gaming.


Just kiss the tip.

xbebop said:
If they could sell it for about $5-8 at retail it could take off. That's mass market pricing.

More like $9.99 - $14.99 for that to buy it separately.  It probably would be a better deal ifyou just bought it with that Wii Sports game.


Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


ppls, are you really seeing this?

What we thought the Wii was already capable of, and has failed to do so far, has driven us to think that many things we once thought possible on the wii is simply not.

Now with this, it can re-affirm our beliefs again. (for those who give a dam that is)

Did you all see, in the part of the clip where he was showing the sworddown, sworddownright, and sworddownleft movements to the receiver app....he has to thrust up before before he actually did the swipe movement, which DID NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME. These natural human gestures is something that have prevented fluid moves from being executed properly in the past (and currently i suppose).
This, if executed properly by devs, can be a true paradigm shift in gaming. This, I believe is what we were waiting for since November 2006.

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Yeah, it's pretty huge that a developer can just buy this middleware and be able to do movement recognition with very little work. This means that the developer doesn't have to learn how to program the WM+, they can just think of creative ways of incorporating it into their games.

I can hit the balls hard!!!


flagship said:

Looks like a definite upgrade, however I still question how many games this is actually going to be used in. Both Nintendo and Sega have a long history of trying to make add-ons that never caught on in the market place.


For instance it took me watching this 4 minute video plus quite a bit of Wii use to fully understand how exactly this product improves Wii gameplay, I can see this hitting the market and the average causal gamer wondering why they're selling an add-on that does exactly what the Wii mote already does.

It's coming with Wii Sports Resort which will do for WM+ that Wii Sports did for the Wii-mote itself.

Nintendo has also stated they eventually want WM+ to be the default option and ship it in the Wii-motes some point in the future.

Those easily confused by the addition of WM+ probably won't be buying much WM+ based software to begin with.

Joeykanga said:
Viper1 said:
Joeykanga said:
I really hope they can use the WiiMotionPlus in Red Steel 2.


Ubisoft already announced they will.


Thanks for telling me that! You made my day!


You're welcome.

FishyJoe said:

The sword demo is pretty much what many of us dreamed about from the start for a Star Wars game. It's a shame that the upcoming SW games won't have this, but hopefully they will either create a new game or add on shortly after release of the M+.

I remember back when Sony released the first Dual Shock controller.  Anyone remember how many PS games were re-released with Dual Shock support?   A similar situation could happen here or if they fix the storage issue in time we could receive patches to already owned titles to upgrade them to WM+


Me said:
when he said in the demo the WM+ does everything the old one does only better - does that mean from a development perspective it's applied the same way so we could plug it straight in and make controls tighter and more responsive in say SSX blur?

definitly a first day purchase for me - and when he said visit our website tosign up for a free evaluation copy - does that mean devs can get their hands on it now to try out?

If then both of these points are extremely positive.

Part A: No.   It still must be prgrammed in but the tool set makes it very easy to create those new move sets.

Part B: Yes.  Developers can receive a trial kit for free but if they want to use it for a published title, they must purhcase a license for it.


Something I'm curious about.  Wii sports is already the default pack in title.  Will Wii Sports Resort replace it?  If so, that's instant WM+ in every Wii bought at that point and not just buying the seperate WSR game or stand alone packaging.

The combined sales points of all 3 ensure WM+ will be very widespread very quickly.


The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:

Something I'm curious about.  Wii sports is already the default pack in title.  Will Wii Sports Resort replace it?

Very good question!! It does make a lot of sense to do it that way. Not much point in forcing new Wii owners to swallow two versions of Wii Sports at the same time if they want to get the more evolved version of Wii Sports.

If that happens, it's also very likely that new Wii Remotes will contain WM+ out of the box. All of this leaves previous Wii owners to upgrade their controllers. I don't see many people wanting more than two WM+ add-ons, which entails buying Wii Sports:Resort and a standalone WM+, at most (or two standalone WM+). Not so bad!


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957