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ppls, are you really seeing this?

What we thought the Wii was already capable of, and has failed to do so far, has driven us to think that many things we once thought possible on the wii is simply not.

Now with this, it can re-affirm our beliefs again. (for those who give a dam that is)

Did you all see, in the part of the clip where he was showing the sworddown, sworddownright, and sworddownleft movements to the receiver app....he has to thrust up before before he actually did the swipe movement, which DID NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME. These natural human gestures is something that have prevented fluid moves from being executed properly in the past (and currently i suppose).
This, if executed properly by devs, can be a true paradigm shift in gaming. This, I believe is what we were waiting for since November 2006.