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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How does the PS3 remain as the only unhacked system? And for how long?

kingofwale said:
vaio said:
kingofwale said:
I love certain people claim PS3 is hacked and can play games via harddrive. and yet to fail to supply a link.

I wonder to myself. How could xbox fans such as NJ5 or vaio know about this. while a PS3 owner such as myself being completely 'out of loop'

1. I am not an xbox fan, have always said if I am a fan of any company it would be Nintendo

2. I wouldn´t put a link here because piracy is not looked upon very nicely here and I wouldn´t want to get banned.

3. If you have some google skills that are above average you will find the liks you are asking of very quickly.

4. The person I am talking about is a friend that used to hack things together with me in the C64 days (i haven´t since then but keep my self updated through him mostly)

5. This hack isn´t 100% reliable and that is why it isn´t let out to the main public and you have to have some skills to be able to use it. Also this hack is not a way to a mod chip in any way, if you want a modchip then you will have to find another way.

This is how far I am willing to go, if you want to dismiss my answers as bull because you are too lazy or just can´t find the links then do so. I just answered a question and I ams still amazed that almost only PS3 fans are ignoring the answer.

The reason it hasn´t been hacked (hacked as in a chip ready) this far at least for the hackers I know is that it´s to expensive to play around with a PS3 ( my friend went through 3 of them allready and his team went through 7 or 8) and the price for blue ray discs thats why my friends and most other hackers as far as I can tell went into the harddrive thing.

If they are correct then it´s just a mutter of time before they actually make it stable enough but since the popularity of the console at the moment isn´t that high it´s not a prioroty, they put more time with homebrew scene untill demand for PS 3 raises and then their prioroties will change.



LOL, always love the "Oh, I made the claim, but YOU should be the one finding it"


good old "It's there somewhere, but I won't tell you" excuse. Never gets old.


and yet hilariously... still no link showing playing rental games via HDD from PS3... interesting no?

As i said do what you want with it, I just answered the question to educate you guys better about a world that isn´t that easy to get into. If you think I am getting banned because you are pathetic enough not to believe because you are a Sony fanboy then the LOL´s are on you. Besides if I give you guys a link and you try this out and your skills aren´t good enough you are going to blame me when your PS 3 dies. There is a reason why my friend went through 3 PS3´s and that is because the exploit they found isn´t 100% reliable and I would guess that is the same reason why it isn´t made available for the greater part of the public.

But go ahead and LOL at me as if I am lying because I won´t do the job you are too lazy to do your self but be assured I am amused by your fanboy gogles that are blinding you as they always have done kingofphail.


Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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Is marijuana the best medicine?

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HappySqurriel said:





Tif this hackability doesn't kill software sales (as it did with the Dreamcast and PSP) it can actually be a good thing


Those two consoles being hacked had nothing to do with their software sales being poor.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

The original problem was the streaming limit on the Hard Drive which used to be the problem for booting large files off it. At this point in time, there is no point to try and "hack" the PS3 for playing pirated games because the majority of people do not even have access to Blu Ray burners, at least here in Canada where I am. Most of the exclusives like Uncharted and MGS4 are well over 20 gigs in size so for me it will be quite a while before I even look into backing up my games.

The PS3's that are playing games off the HD are debug units.... And ya I know the site you are getting your info from. That wannabe scene site who steals other peoples work and calls it there own.

Lord N said:
HappySqurriel said:





Tif this hackability doesn't kill software sales (as it did with the Dreamcast and PSP) it can actually be a good thing


Those two consoles being hacked had nothing to do with their software sales being poor.

I know tons of people that never bought a game for their PSP but yet have tons of them saved on a 4 gig HDD. Also by the time the PS2 came out a friend of mine was making copies of Dreamcast games and I used to get them for $5 each. Things like that can kill software sales.


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


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colonelstubbs said:
I personally hate piracy. It just makes the rest of us suffer because we have to pay more. Damn pirates

I used to believe that to but looking at the PS3 makes me question it.  Piracy is not an issue with that system yet it's games are the same price (or more) than the 360 and PC, which both have piracy.


kingofwale said:
vaio said:
kingofwale said:
I love certain people claim PS3 is hacked and can play games via harddrive. and yet to fail to supply a link.

I wonder to myself. How could xbox fans such as NJ5 or vaio know about this. while a PS3 owner such as myself being completely 'out of loop'

1. I am not an xbox fan, have always said if I am a fan of any company it would be Nintendo

2. I wouldn´t put a link here because piracy is not looked upon very nicely here and I wouldn´t want to get banned.

3. If you have some google skills that are above average you will find the liks you are asking of very quickly.

4. The person I am talking about is a friend that used to hack things together with me in the C64 days (i haven´t since then but keep my self updated through him mostly)

5. This hack isn´t 100% reliable and that is why it isn´t let out to the main public and you have to have some skills to be able to use it. Also this hack is not a way to a mod chip in any way, if you want a modchip then you will have to find another way.

This is how far I am willing to go, if you want to dismiss my answers as bull because you are too lazy or just can´t find the links then do so. I just answered a question and I ams still amazed that almost only PS3 fans are ignoring the answer.

The reason it hasn´t been hacked (hacked as in a chip ready) this far at least for the hackers I know is that it´s to expensive to play around with a PS3 ( my friend went through 3 of them allready and his team went through 7 or 8) and the price for blue ray discs thats why my friends and most other hackers as far as I can tell went into the harddrive thing.

If they are correct then it´s just a mutter of time before they actually make it stable enough but since the popularity of the console at the moment isn´t that high it´s not a prioroty, they put more time with homebrew scene untill demand for PS 3 raises and then their prioroties will change.



LOL, always love the "Oh, I made the claim, but YOU should be the one finding it"


good old "It's there somewhere, but I won't tell you" excuse. Never gets old.


and yet hilariously... still no link showing playing rental games via HDD from PS3... interesting no?


Don't be obstinate, he has a completely legit reason and explained it perfectly if you bothered to read his post. It is against the rules to post links to warez sites and the like.  As it is I'm already considering locking the thread.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Lord N said:
HappySqurriel said:






Tif this hackability doesn't kill software sales (as it did with the Dreamcast and PSP) it can actually be a good thing


Those two consoles being hacked had nothing to do with their software sales being poor.

I don't think that is something you (or anyone) can prove.

It certainly seems to me that PSP software sales are dismal in part due to rampant piracy (it's certainly not due to a lack of good titles on the platform, there are plenty of unique and fun games on the PSP that still sell as well as rotten meat on a sandwhich). I'll freely admit that could be wrong though - after all one can't prove these things.


Endgadget reported it was hacked just yesterday.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

As long as burning a Blue Ray is more expensive than renting a PS3 game online you won't see widespread hacking on the PS3.

The size of the data you have to move as well as the others issues you have to deal with should prevent any hack to spread to a signigicant number of users.

That and even if it was, Sony can just push another firmware update...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !