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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto Confirms New Mario, Zelda, Pikmin Projects

And, uh, what's the Star Fox team up to, Miyamoto?


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appolose said:
And, uh, what's the Star Fox team up to, Miyamoto?

There's a Star Fox team? I don't think so. Q-Games(Pixel Junk Monsters) made Star Fox Command for the DS. Namco made Star Fox Assault. Rare made Star Fox Adventures. Nintendo hasn't made a Star Fox game themselves since Nintendo EAD(New Super Mario Bros.) made Star Fox 64. Expect this fanchise to get the outsourcing treatment if it gets made at all. I would kill for Aces of the Galaxy developer Artech to make the new one. They really got that Star Fox feel, minus the radio chatter, in Aces of the Galaxy.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I always knew it... yay!

appolose said:
And, uh, what's the Star Fox team up to, Miyamoto?


i'm with you I want a new starfox wii before  a new Zelda or Mario....

I already know it.

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Mario won't be 09... that would only give Galaxy 2 years on the Market.

Zelda Holidays 09, Pikmin Spring 09, SMG2 Holiday 2010.

I think StarFox could be a suprise Holiday 09 titles also. Kid Icarus will launch preholiday 09 (like Metriod)

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

bigjon said:
Mario won't be 09... that would only give Galaxy 2 years on the Market.

Zelda Holidays 09, Pikmin Spring 09, SMG2 Holiday 2010.

I think StarFox could be a suprise Holiday 09 titles also. Kid Icarus will launch preholiday 09 (like Metriod)

Who said it was mario galaxy 2? It could be NSMB2. I agree with everything else thoguh.


LoL what kills me about this is that it always seems to take Nintendo 3-4 years minimum to make sequels or updates to their franchises (Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Star Fox, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.) and meanwhile you have companies that release updates or sequels to their major franchises on other systems every 1-2 years... Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, Gears, Motorstorm, Call of Duty, etc... all of these games have gotten or will be getting sequels within the year, yet we have to wait 3-4 years or more for big games from the biggest game developer/publisher in the world... what bullsh*t!

And most of the time they aren't even worth the wait... Mario Kart DD, Star Fox Assault come to mind

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

NightDragon83 said:

LoL what kills me about this is that it always seems to take Nintendo 3-4 years minimum to make sequels or updates to their franchises (Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Star Fox, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.) and meanwhile you have companies that release updates or sequels to their major franchises on other systems every 1-2 years... Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, Gears, Motorstorm, Call of Duty, etc... all of these games have gotten or will be getting sequels within the year, yet we have to wait 3-4 years or more for big games from the biggest game developer/publisher in the world... what bullsh*t!

And most of the time they aren't even worth the wait... Mario Kart DD, Star Fox Assault come to mind


And yet people complain about Nintendo overdoing sequels?  Hm...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITING I CAN"T HANDLE IT!!!!! OMG!!!!!

nah who cares. That is like someone saying we are making a grand turismo 6. I could not care. Its is a gurantee that these games will be made.

Tell us when we find out the setting/story, the art style. Or the most important the release date. I hate the 3-4 year hype for games