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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony sets 150m sales target for PS3,PS2 passes 140 million units !

OT: A very ambiguous goal indeed.

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Everything already has been said, but I'm amazed that people actually believe that it's even remotely possible.

Sony doesn't even believe it themselves. Their annual estimate is only 10 million PS3's. They'll probably beat that, but in March 2009 Sony can be very, very happy if they shipped 25 million PS3's. That's after 3 holidays.

I'm absolutely curious to know what exactly will be the reason behind that number increasing 6(!) times in the years to follow.
Games? Does someone honestly believe there are games that going to cause massive growth? Everyone has seen what THE biggest series (GTA) has done. Blu-Ray? Come on, within a year there will be plenty of cheaper players. Casuals? Ehm, not a chance, Nintendo has those locked and if anything Microsoft is making much more effort to capture those.

A ten year plan is too risky for Sony, cause chances are that Microsoft will capture the cinematic game audience with their next Xbox, before PS4 is even on the design tables. Remember that Xbox now has almost all the 3rd party AAA titles on their machine as well. And they sell.

slimeattack said:
PS3 is about a long life cycle. The Wii will have a PS2-like cycle, and the PS3 a much longer one.

So you mean the Wii will sell only for nine years and counting, whereas the PS3 will sell for an incredible 10 years?

Wow, then everything becomes clear.


Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

Caution, caps incoming.


Ugh i got that out of me.

You people believe that if PS3 sells like it does now they'll keep it even after the other 2 have released new consoles with much more features than the old by then PS3?

PS3 is gonna go the way of the XBOX/GC. Not in sales, since it will easily outsell both combined, but in terms of lifecycle. When a console is not selling all that well and your competitors are about to release their new console you really have no option but either 1) follow them or 2) release yours first.


150mil = No Problem. Blu Ray is the key factor, the PS3 has tapped into two huge markets without most people realizing, the gaming and video market, each big enough to ensure it will reach 150mil

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Kaz must have took a double shot of the Sony kool-aid that morning.

This will not happen.  It's imply not logical based on the evidence available to anyone willing to work with it.

If you are expecting Kaz's projection to come to fruition, I implore you to provide compelling evidence to support the claim.    Out of context trending is not compelling evidence.

Zkuq said:
It's definitely possible. PS3 is selling better than PS2 at the same point (heard this too many times; not going to check)

Up until about 4 months ago, it was selling at a rate equal to the GC.   The only people claiming it sells at a rate equal to PS2 are those that misalign the territory launches or who blindly buy into ever word Sony says.



Game4eva, you do realize the PS3 is not the only BR player on the market, correct?


The rEVOLution is not being televised

The PS3 may only be appealing as a Blu-Ray player maybe for another year or two. There are Blu-Ray players now capable of reading at 14-16x speed while the PS3's is only 2-4X speed. As regular Blu-Ray players drop in price and become more appealing the PS3 will struggle more and more to use this to its advantage. I'm afraid we're already seeing the high end of the PS3's success due to Blu-Ray. This of course is but my humble opinion, but if you're going to rely on Blu-Ray for PS3 sales, don't expect software sales to follow.

well... it may be possible with 10 years, but i highly doubt it.




So Mexico accounts for 1% of WW sales. Anyone know what percentage of WW sales does Poland have?

I haven't seen any numbers for either 360 nor Wii but some numbers for Sony consoles are known. PS3 was at 32k in Poland few months ago (around 0.25% of total PS3 sales), PSP at 50k (0.15%) and PS2 at 550-600k (March 2008, around 0.5% of worldwide sales). PS2 number includes gray imports (around 20%), not sure about PS3/PSP (data comes from SCE Poland conference). I think X360 number isn't far away from PS3, which would put it at 0.2% WW share.

I would,nt be surprised if the ps4 is already been designed.

the ps3 has been A nightmare for sony they spent millions securing br and took there eye off the ball.

every console they sell loses money for them.

they are in third place by A long way half way into this gen.

sony will be glad to see the back of the ps3 imo.