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Everything already has been said, but I'm amazed that people actually believe that it's even remotely possible.

Sony doesn't even believe it themselves. Their annual estimate is only 10 million PS3's. They'll probably beat that, but in March 2009 Sony can be very, very happy if they shipped 25 million PS3's. That's after 3 holidays.

I'm absolutely curious to know what exactly will be the reason behind that number increasing 6(!) times in the years to follow.
Games? Does someone honestly believe there are games that going to cause massive growth? Everyone has seen what THE biggest series (GTA) has done. Blu-Ray? Come on, within a year there will be plenty of cheaper players. Casuals? Ehm, not a chance, Nintendo has those locked and if anything Microsoft is making much more effort to capture those.

A ten year plan is too risky for Sony, cause chances are that Microsoft will capture the cinematic game audience with their next Xbox, before PS4 is even on the design tables. Remember that Xbox now has almost all the 3rd party AAA titles on their machine as well. And they sell.