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Kaz must have took a double shot of the Sony kool-aid that morning.

This will not happen.  It's imply not logical based on the evidence available to anyone willing to work with it.

If you are expecting Kaz's projection to come to fruition, I implore you to provide compelling evidence to support the claim.    Out of context trending is not compelling evidence.

Zkuq said:
It's definitely possible. PS3 is selling better than PS2 at the same point (heard this too many times; not going to check)

Up until about 4 months ago, it was selling at a rate equal to the GC.   The only people claiming it sells at a rate equal to PS2 are those that misalign the territory launches or who blindly buy into ever word Sony says.



Game4eva, you do realize the PS3 is not the only BR player on the market, correct?


The rEVOLution is not being televised