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Wait for it, wait for it... Sony domination is in when now? oh yeah 2010.

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As an FF fan I'm always happy to see the thing coming along, and to hear about it.

As a Sony fan, I am wholly disappointed in how they dropped the ball on this one.


jman8 said:
So how soon do you think we'll see the Square Boycotts?


Nah, most of the intelligent gamers have been boycotting S-E for a while now. 

there is no reason for ps3 now .

Happy with this, I probably would've ended up buying a PS3 because of this game otherwise. I've always enjoyed Final Fantasy games.

Being on the XBOX 360 will save me a fair bit of money [Although I'll probably end up getting a PS3 eventually, but I don't have to worry about it just yet] .

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Even the pristine has to concede. M$ won this one! GT5 better be good, its the LMS a.k.a. Last Man Standing!

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Holy shit.. was probably the last announcement I expected, never would have imagined it.

I still have no intention of purchasing FFXIII... they've lost the magic of their stories in the Final Fantasy series. It's kinda like watching a Michael Bay movie - all flash and production value and no soul.

I know I'm in the minority on this, though, and this is a pretty big deal for a lot of casual rpg fans who love FF more than anything

I don't really see how 360 getting FFXIII would give microsoft a huge win. In all honesty it doesn't really surprise me that this decision was made and I think that any fan of the FF series would be happy with this decision because the more games that this series sells means that the there will definately be a continuation of the series. It is big in some senses but I think microsoft fan boys are taking it a little too serious. Losing FFXIII wont keep sony out of last place considering games like RFOM:2, Killzone:2 and GOW:3 are Sony exclusives and will help push systems.

As someone who is a neutral owner of all of the big 3 systems we need to wait and see what Nintendo and Sony have to offer over the next few days before we can say 360 steals the show.

I personally think Nintendo has something up there sleeve but until tomorrow Microsoft has an edge on E3.

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ultraslick said:
You are all reacting as if FF is no longer coming to the PS3. Get a hold of yourselves.
Left for dead is coming to the PS3, and PS3 has 1st party devs that the PC known as the 360 does not.

it is hilarious to me that people would want to sell their PS3 because the 360 is ALSO getting FF.

Although it is a megaton for super-nerds such as us.

I think Left 4 Dead looks awesome.

But I cannot believe that you just implied an exclusive was traded for an exclusive like its all even and hunky-dory now.

The Xbox 360 DOES have the strongest library and just as good (if not a better) line-up, ESPECIALLY in JRPG's.  People have been saying for months that if you must have FFXIII buy a PS3, but if you just love JRPG's in general buy a 360.  Now one console has both, and the other doesn't.


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