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Forums - Sony Discussion - I bought my PS3, game suggestions time

Dude, as has already been mentioned. Get a hold of uncharted. Why ? Because it's easily one of the best games ever made. It stuns you visually and engages you storywise. The whole thing is like a 15 hour long interactive movie with a ton of unlockables. It's easily one of the best games i have ever played.

Also, pixeljunk monsters and superstardust hd.

Would also recommend heavenly sword. Best motioncaptured game evur. :P

Grats with your purchase

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I'm just echoing what everyone else said :D


I recommend you buy GTA4.

Oh, and you should probably buy Folklore, Uncharted, and Civilization: Revolution.



Lair. (Heehee)


IMO first get Super Stardust HD and earn yourself some trophies. Then Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and get the greatest hits Resistance: Fall of Man (or discount) to experience the story, that should keep you busy until the release of Resistance 2, Home, LittleBigPlanet, Motorstorm 2, etc later this year.

P.S. Good choice on your first two games.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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Uncharted is a must buy think u should also try motorstorm and rfom.


Get resistance, as it stands, it's one of only two exclusives on the PS3 that I would say are hurting the 360 (the other being MGS4).

Ratchet is well and good and all, but really, it stepped it up graphics wise but no where else. I still love the game, but it didn't feel like I was getting a new game (i've played all but one of the R&C games from the PS2).

Uncharted. Well, I'm one chapter away from finishing the game and while it was an enjoyable experience, fun, it's just not as good as people here say.

I liked the story, it was pretty cliche and the plot twists are obvious (and cliche), and it was exciting, but nothing that's ground breaking.

Characters are enjoyable, and they make the bad guys easy to hate, but sadly just as gears has nothing but big macho men and african-american stereotypes, Uncharted is pretty stereotypical as well.

Gameplay, is good, not gears good though. Definitely not as tight and in a game that encourages action hero stunts, the controls let you down a bit, especially when grenades are near you (avoiding them makes nate look like his having a fit). Still they mix it up, and the reviews are right, the gameplay changes enough times throughout the game that you never get sick of the main gameplay (hiding behind cover and gunning). Enemy AI is pretty awful as well by todays standards, BUT they are acceptable, so it didn't hurt my experience too much, it just added to the predictable nature of the game (character stereotypes, plot twists, enemy actions)

Graphics wise, when this game is in it's sweet spot, it looks amazing and the environment looks great. But when it's off, textures pop-in, screens tear and certain area's just don't look right. It happened to me relatively oftenly through 2 particular chapters (and they are the longer ones), so while I can't call it the best looking game this gen so far (MGS4 took that anyway, but even before that, I can't give a game that title if it has technical issues like that). Definitely a looker anyway.

I still recommend a purchase for this game though, in a time when the PS3's library looked a little bare, this game stood up. It's virtues are probably a little overblown by the PS3 fans because of that, but while it's not the best game in the PS3 lineup (and wasn't at that time either) it is still a very good game, maybe even a great game, just not AAA material. But for me it's more important a game is fun rather then be AAA.

Definitely finish up R1, R&C and MGS4 before playing Uncharted, of the four it's the weakest but it's still a good game.

I know R&C is really pretty much the same as the old R&C games, but that's really what I want. I don't want them to drastically change the formula.

Has anyone mentioned oblivion yet... make sure you get the game of the year edition... it comes with the expansion pack. It kept some of my friends busy for 200+ game hours.

That link says you're getting a 20gb, right? So my first reccommendation would be a larger HDD, then download as many demos as possible, try before you buy.

You should give The Darkness a look into, there's a demo on the store.

EDIT: Oh, and Naz, since when were you a mod? I read no announcement about it.