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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which fighting game you're skilled in ?

Street fighter is my fav fighting game. i own all the others (MK, SC, Tekken, Smash etc.) but the only one i play is street fighter.

Mab we should exchange XBL tags for a little one on one? lol

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bouzane said:
The only fighting games I found accessible enough to get good at are Virtua Fighter and Fight Night. I'm alright at Fight Night but excellent at Virtua Fighter.


 i tried virtua fighter before but i found it difficult for me .... i dont know why the tekken style games is difficult for me ?

Super Smash Bros. is the only fighting game I need.

Dno said:
Street fighter is my fav fighting game. i own all the others (MK, SC, Tekken, Smash etc.) but the only one i play is street fighter.

Mab we should exchange XBL tags for a little one on one? lol


 never mind that ... send invite if u want & iam ready ;).

NNN2004 said:
bouzane said:
The only fighting games I found accessible enough to get good at are Virtua Fighter and Fight Night. I'm alright at Fight Night but excellent at Virtua Fighter.


i tried virtua fighter before but i found it difficult for me .... i dont know why the tekken style games is difficult for me ?


The timing is very precise in Virtua Fighter so finding it to be difficult is understandable. The only reason why I got into the series was the exceptionally good training mode available in Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution.

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I'm probably best at Street Fighter and especially killer Instinct (SNES) but I also play Tekken, Soul Calibur and DOA (not 4 though)

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

bouzane said:
NNN2004 said:
bouzane said:
The only fighting games I found accessible enough to get good at are Virtua Fighter and Fight Night. I'm alright at Fight Night but excellent at Virtua Fighter.


i tried virtua fighter before but i found it difficult for me .... i dont know why the tekken style games is difficult for me ?


The timing is very precise in Virtua Fighter so finding it to be difficult is understandable. The only reason why I got into the series was the exceptionally good training mode available in Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution.

maybe the speed u need for this game is the problem .. like i said before iam a slow player not fast thats a big problem for me :(


SSBB, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat (1, 2, & 4), Fatal Fury, and MBAC.

My all time favorite series: Dead or Alive. I consider myself pretty good at all of them, with the exception of the first one which I don't play. I am also pretty darn good at Soul Caliber 2 (Xbox). Pretty much any fighter out there I have played; from Street Fighter to SSB. I am not that great at them but I can put up a decent fight.

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

I used to be quite good at IK+