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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII sales prediction

mgs 4 = 3 million sold first month
FF >> MGS so

first week

japan : 1,2 million
us : 900 k
others : 1 million

total : 3 million

first month

japan : 1.6 million
us : 1.5 million
others : 1.5 million
total : 4.6 million first month

LTD 5-6 million :)

Around the Network
ikilledkenny said:
Lowest of any Final Fantasy to be released since the PS1 era. I'm going out on a limb and saying only 2 million first week across all territories, and 5 million lifetime. Of course, a lot can change between now and the release date, and I really hope I'm wrong, considering how good the series is. But, Square has put it on the PS3, effectively cutting out a huge amount of sales. Never before has Final Fantasy been on anything but a first place console.


 After final fantasy PS3 will be a first place console

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

Bobo012893 said:
ikilledkenny said:
Lowest of any Final Fantasy to be released since the PS1 era. I'm going out on a limb and saying only 2 million first week across all territories, and 5 million lifetime. Of course, a lot can change between now and the release date, and I really hope I'm wrong, considering how good the series is. But, Square has put it on the PS3, effectively cutting out a huge amount of sales. Never before has Final Fantasy been on anything but a first place console.


 After final fantasy PS3 will be a first place console

So by that time the wii should be around 45-50mln consoles. The ps3 about half that. You really beleive FFXIII will sell that many consoles? lol


i know its going to sell a lot in japan. It probably iwll sell 2.5 million. Most of the games have sold 1 million or 2 million during the first week.


Rock_on_2008 said:

FF XIII launch week I expect a total of 500k to 600k PS3 consoles sold in that week.

FF XIII and GT 5 should both sell over 500k PS3 consoles in their launch weeks.

FF XIII and GT 5 LTD sales will be over 10 million copies of each game.


I hope you know even FF VII didn't make it to 10 million.

Around the Network

It will sell very well. It will be the best selling PS3 game for the gen, unless Sony really does drag it out 10 years.

Oh, and there's already ads.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

final fantasy 13 will be one of the best games this generation, and will sell very very well.

i predict a giant opening week for this offering on a nex-gen machine.

3-4 million opening week worldwide with ltd sales of 10 million. i think thats quite possible. the ps3 install base will be very good indeed after 2008


ps. only fanboys want this game to turn out bad.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

soriku is not too far fetched.

it will sell around 1.5 millions in the first week alone in japan
abit less in the US 800-1.2 millions.

so the sells of 2.5 millions first week isn't to far fetched... if they release the game worldwide it will be close to 3 millions.

mgs4 sold 1.3 millions in its first day, and that game sells considerable less than ff series,
3 millions in less than a month.


remenber ff was always split into regions, japan... then USA 3 - 6 months later, then europe.



Skeeuk said:

final fantasy 13 will be one of the best games this generation, and will sell very very well.

i predict a giant opening week for this offering on a nex-gen machine.

3-4 million opening week worldwide with ltd sales of 10 million. i think thats quite possible. the ps3 install base will be very good indeed after 2008


ps. only fanboys want this game to turn out bad.

I wonder what your japan sales predictions are? Probably 5 mln. Alot more than the ps3 will probably have at its release.


Sales Prediction FFXIII Life Time
jpn : 1.5 million
US : 800,000
Others : 800,000

Japanese gamers show more enthusiasm on RPG games whereas US and Europe gamers seems to find more excitement on action games.