Well I have had mixed views on the direction Nintendo has been taking as a games publisher. The mixed views have to do with the restructuring Nintendo has done to its developement styles over the last few years. I tend to believe their priorities don't match the will of the installed user base.
My first and biggest Beef with Nintendo's current direction is the idealogy that the casual gamer is more important to the industry then the hardcore. Rather then maintaining established franchises and their high quality standards they are shoving one casual game out after another. I don't want BrainTrainer or WarioWare or Nintendogs I want Mario , Donkey Kong and EarthBound. This shift in focus has been great for attracting casual gamers but for me at least it has greatly affected the amount of software I buy. Rather then buying a game a month or every two months my Wii is gathering dust (brief relief from MarioParty8).
Nintendo's failure to maintain its franchises is evident everywhere. Look at Donkey Kong as the perfect example going into GameCube you had a highly successful franchise one of the top 20-franchises in the world with its past DKC and 64 games having sold millions of copies each (Based on my memory). But when Nintendo was forced to sell Rare, rather then shifting Donkey Kong over to another internal team they outsourced it to a third party. When the third party began screwing up (Titles only selling in the thousands) Nintendo didn't fix the problem. Instead Nintendo builds a new studio and to train their new staff they use Donkey Kong as a guine pig. They choose to through out the established fanbase in an attempt to attract casual gamers. This sacrafice can be seen today after JungleBeat only shipped 30,000 copies globally during its launch month (A major disaster).
However I could care less what happens to some of the new IP's. Project H.A.M.M.E.R in my opinion looked repetitive even the very nature of the gameplay lends itself to repetition. A game based around swinging a hammer, seariously thats the best they could come up with (Sorry Nintendo) but it had to be said. On the other hand franchises (New IP's) like Disaster look extremely promising in my books and replacing them for another BrainAge or TouchGenerations game would be enraging.
However I have not lost faith in Nintendo's abilities. Since the GameCube generation Nintendo has been constantly expanding purchasing new studios and expanding its internal and second party operations. With over 5-new studios openned last generation I think Nintendo should be able to make the best of both worlds. Devote a studio or two to casual games and the rest to the established franchises and establishing new franchises. Nintendo just needs to hold on to their existing user bases and their existing IP's no more screwing up we can't have StarFox go the way of Donkey Kong or any other franchise for that fact.
"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer