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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - A theory of why KH3 or FFVII remake will be on Wii

I know some people will get mad at this but the Wii's success is the reason that it doesn't get big budget games. Game developers know they can (often) make low budget trashware on it and it will still sell a million plus units. It's fucked up and it's unfair to Wii owners and it's the reason I'm waiting for a price drop to get one.

Now a cutscene heavy game like KH3 or an FF7 remake I can think of the perfect console for that.

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This sounds like fun.

I already provided good arguements for KH3 on the Wii.

I think I'll post one here.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Meh. I can't find it.

Oh well. I'm confident that KH3 will be for the Wii. Just duke it out by yourselves.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

yushire said:
And members here thinks futuristic Zelda and Final Fantasy Vi remake on the Wii was impossible. If FF VI was supposed to be on DS and it shouldnt be on the wii what more on FF VII which is originally in a SONY platform?

And yeah, its not Squeenix that will decide on kingdomn hearts its Disney, if Disney wish they can move the production of the kingdom Hearts in another developer, and seem Nintendo was a very good candidate.


 I'm sorry but I'm sure even you won't enjoy playing a kingdom hearts without S-E.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Leetgeek said:
I know some people will get mad at this but the Wii's success is the reason that it doesn't get big budget games. Game developers know they can (often) make low budget trashware on it and it will still sell a million plus units. It's fucked up and it's unfair to Wii owners and it's the reason I'm waiting for a price drop to get one.

Now a cutscene heavy game like KH3 or an FF7 remake I can think of the perfect console for that.


I think you mean the Wii's success with casual games, not just the success itself.

Yet even that is flawed. Developers are working on big budget Wii games. A few have been announced (and I don't think you know what games I mean). They just had to start later than the other systems, due to underestimating the Wii.

It's the same reason the DS is getting loads of games, but the flood started about two years after it came out.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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Sony owns the majority of SquareEnix, right? So why would Sony allow Square to make a FFVII game on the Wii. And you can forget about KH3 going to a Nintendo platform. That ain't happening anyway. If the PS3's userbase isn't up to snuff by the time these games are release/announced then they'll come out for the PSP. KH3 could still even come out for the PS2 for a last hurrah, just like Twilight Princess was for the GC.

KH3 for PS3. Thats the only answer. People are just setting themselves up for dissapointment.

FF7 on Wii? That is the stupidest fanboy thing Ihave ever heard since "Will Harry Potter Wii be FF7 great?"

Stupidity, elitism and arrogance like this is the only reason I hope that KH3 comes to Wii. My god. At least give something that looks like an argument.
And no, I don't consider "KH3 for PS3. Thats the only answer" a good reason.

what crap u talking about casual games/hardcore gamers..
it all has to do with money.. none of ur mambo jumbo works..
it all has to do with money
square enix is remaking all there games on the ds
what was left was chrono trigger and FF6.
i expected chrono trigger to be on wii but it turned out to be on ds, so i wouldnt be surprised if FF7 remake would be on the DS as well. And i wont be surprised to see a chrono trigger remake next in the next 4 years for the consoles. This is square and this is how they work

makingmusic476 said:
Kasz216 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Bingoo said:
both KH and FF are both more hardcore games then anything. Its highly unlikely that casuals will just buy into it. Hell alot of the casuals dont even know about mario, they just care about playing tennis on the wii. It should belong on hardcore platforms where generally more core gamers reside.

Also both are big time in the graphics department. THats why the demand for ps3 ff 7 is because it would be fantastic to see it in some awsome graphics. The wii would be a huge letdown. It also applies to KH.

Also how would you implement the motion? Maybe in KH 3 but not FF 7.

You persume that the wii is bringing in new gamers who would be interested in these things. Which there will be a few, but highly unlikely.

I agree with this in reference to FFVII. The Wii's greatest strength lies in its innovative controls. With FFVII, fans just want the same game with prettier graphics. They don't want a reinvention of the gameplay, and that's the type of thing that the Wii would best be suited for.

And the game would sell 6-7 million easy regardless of which platform it is released upon.

Kingdom Hearts 3, however, could utilize the Wii's controls in a positive way, and given Disney's liking for Nintendo, combined with SE's lust for money, the Wii seems like the perfect fit for KH3, despite what some fans may want.



Really what the fans want doesn't matter. If what you say is true... that it will make 6-7 million on any platform it releases on...

why would you as Square Enix release it on PS3... you'd be idiots... since you'd be doubling your profits on the Wii?

Or even better... DS. (Assuming DS counts.)

I mean if what the fans wanted mattered FF7 would be released.

I mean FF1-6 would be better on the PS3 then DS as well... yet where'd they go?

Doubling profits on Wii?

Let's say it would sell seven million on either console. PS3 games cost $10 more than Wii games, so let's also say that SE would get about $4 of that $10 per copy sold.

7,000,000 X $4 = $28,000,000 extra in revenue. Would a ps3 version cost that much more to develop over a Wii version?

Also, NES/SNES to DS is more than a generational leap, providing them ample opportunity to improve those games. PS1 to DS would be like moving from the PS2 to Wii. There wouldn't that much difference (what, half a gen in tech?) outside of the control scheme. It would be a port moreso than a remake.

The tech demos alone show that they have something special in store for their best selling title. Even if it didn't come to the ps3, I'd expect it to hit one of the home consoles.

You're forgetting a few things. Sony's liscensing fee is way higher, BR costs more...

and yeah... the average PS3 game does cost anywhere between 2-6 times more.

If we're talking an all out PS3 game... It's going to be on that high end.

Besides which... we're taking out plenty of costs here.

If even it's the average PS3 games costs twice as much to make as the Wii. Keep in mind that this isn't your average game. You don't have to pay for any of the creative stuff and pretty much any of the things that would cost the same on the PS3 vs the Wii.

Technically, Disney can´t ditch SE from KH. Firstly it´s co-published by both and secondly there are both copyrights belonging to Disney and SE. Also, all the unique KH creations ( like Sora, Riku, Kairi, Organization XIII and so on) are Nomura´s work, thus copyrights belong to him and SE.
If Disney broke their relation with SE they would either have to buy whatever copyrights belong to SE in order to keep the universe intact or they will just have to do a KH game without all these which would have not a single relation to the previous KHs. Pretty much impossible for that to happen.

Leetgeek said:
I know some people will get mad at this but the Wii's success is the reason that it doesn't get big budget games. Game developers know they can (often) make low budget trashware on it and it will still sell a million plus units. It's fucked up and it's unfair to Wii owners and it's the reason I'm waiting for a price drop to get one.

Now a cutscene heavy game like KH3 or an FF7 remake I can think of the perfect console for that.


Exactly! The Wii is the perfect system, because it has a major lack of grade AAA third party support. The first few amazing AAA titles that come out on the wii are going to get absolutely gobbled up by the Wii owners like it was food given to starving children.


And it has Disney characters, it's going to have huge recognition if they advertise it right.


(Yes I realized I just completely flipped your post on your face, unless you did mean the Wii..)