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Sony owns the majority of SquareEnix, right? So why would Sony allow Square to make a FFVII game on the Wii. And you can forget about KH3 going to a Nintendo platform. That ain't happening anyway. If the PS3's userbase isn't up to snuff by the time these games are release/announced then they'll come out for the PSP. KH3 could still even come out for the PS2 for a last hurrah, just like Twilight Princess was for the GC.

KH3 for PS3. Thats the only answer. People are just setting themselves up for dissapointment.

FF7 on Wii? That is the stupidest fanboy thing Ihave ever heard since "Will Harry Potter Wii be FF7 great?"

Stupidity, elitism and arrogance like this is the only reason I hope that KH3 comes to Wii. My god. At least give something that looks like an argument.
And no, I don't consider "KH3 for PS3. Thats the only answer" a good reason.