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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - A theory of why KH3 or FFVII remake will be on Wii

Kasz216 said:
leo-j said:
I dont mean to offend anybody but only an idiot would put FF VII on the WII, its just stupid,

Only wii fanboys think its possible, and yes Im talking about all of you.

Yep... no reason to put a JRPG on a system with 3 times the systems sold in japan then anywhere else... the lowest production costs and the best profit margins.

I mean... there is the "It was on PS1 arguement" but that's a pretty stupid arguement just based on the fact that most people that own PS2's down't even own PS3's and likely won't. So what are the chances of FF1.

It's more likely then not that there are more Wii owners who own PS2s currently then there are PS3 owners who own PS2s.

Most people who would buy a FF remake probably would be new people who have never played it and want to know what the hype is about... I mean it's a 10 year old game. A lot of people have likely moved on from gaming.

Like... well you.  You've never played it... despite it being your favorite FF somehow.


he can always say it might move the console and get the old fans back...

seeing as MGS4 and GTA4 boosted the sales of PS3 soooo much that it's beating the Wii right now




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You people only think about PROFIT, PROFIT, INSTALL BASE INSTALL BASE.

What about the game? Do fans want a game remade with XBOX 1 visuals, and waggle contro(NO THEY DONT, ONLY WII FANBOYS PRAISE THIS)l?Do you actually believe FF VII wont sell aswell on the PS3 than on the wii?

The fanbase would just buy a ps3, its as simple as that.

Honestly Im sick and tired of you wii fanboys, and your stupid topics to bash the PS3, and claim the wii is the best at everything.


Soriku said:
leo-j said:
You people only think about PROFIT, PROFIT, INSTALL BASE INSTALL BASE.

What about the game? Do fans want a game remade with XBOX 1 visuals, and waggle contro(NO THEY DONT, ONLY WII FANBOYS PRAISE THIS)l?Do you actually believe FF VII wont sell aswell on the PS3 than on the wii?

The fanbase would just buy a ps3, its as simple as that.


Maybe because profit and install base is all companies care about? You know...companies arr supposed to make money...?


 Soriku are you suggesting FF VII wont sell on the PS3?


deathcape said:
baph72 said:
All I can say dtewi is I think your doubts are going to be crushed. There are millions of game fans that have been waiting a long time for proper continuations of Kojima's Cyberpunk series, Suzuki's Shenmue, and Eternal Darkness. Plus, Itagaki and Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 5 will sell just as well as MGS 4.


uhm...MGS5 will suck balls, because kojima won't be working on it

ps3 is matter how you put it

like you stated...FANS are waiting for the games..and fans are a group of people..

who can only become less with each sequal...they don't pop out of the ground

so....KH3 will be for Wii...because there are too many people like you who take good games for granted


Bolded: Isn't that ban material? i'm trying hard not to jump into the fray on this thread...please don't make me!

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
deathcape said:
baph72 said:
All I can say dtewi is I think your doubts are going to be crushed. There are millions of game fans that have been waiting a long time for proper continuations of Kojima's Cyberpunk series, Suzuki's Shenmue, and Eternal Darkness. Plus, Itagaki and Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 5 will sell just as well as MGS 4.


uhm...MGS5 will suck balls, because kojima won't be working on it

ps3 is matter how you put it

like you stated...FANS are waiting for the games..and fans are a group of people..

who can only become less with each sequal...they don't pop out of the ground

so....KH3 will be for Wii...because there are too many people like you who take good games for granted


Bolded: Isn't that ban material? i'm trying hard not to jump into the fray on this thrad...please don't make me!

I meant in the ps3 remake of FFVII department >_>

it would simply cost too much ...and wouldn't generate enough money


like I stated are a group of people who can only become less with sequals or remakes

unless the sequal does something really new


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Itagaki has quit Tecmo and he's going to Konami to produce Metal Gear Solid 5.

By the end of 2010, the PS3 will be the leader in sales of any console in this generation. The games that are coming to PS3 are going to be by far the best ones on the market -- it's already the only console to have 2 current gen games that have each received a10.0 rating from IGN.

Following, this year, Microsoft is going to be putting much more effort into creating their 8th generation system scheduled for release in late '09 or at any rate no later than Holiday '10, and as more AAA titles show up for the PS3 that no one could ever even consider making on Wii as games like Uncharted and MGS 4 already are, the glaring discrepancies in quality between PS3 and Wii will appear to more and more people as time goes (The Wii just can't manufacture the same type of "WOW" quality that is needed to create hype for games) on , and those discrepancies will ensure that the Wii falls by the wayside. Especially by 2010 when the PS3 will cost only as much as the Wii does now. That is unless, everybody that likes gaming is just an idiot that prefers cheap current gen knock-offs of last gen goods, then they will keep picking the Wii in the same amounts that they are now.


Note:  Back in the mid nineties, when Nintendo Babies were still playing Miyamoto's bouncing Mario cr*p,

fans that could see games as a much more serious artistic medium were playing Hideo Kojima's Snatcher and Policenauts.


Snatcher - full intro /SEGA CD/



Policenauts English 3DO trailer






I'm sorry for offending you Leo ^^''

but it just won't sell well, if a game sells 4mil rejoice

but much PROFIT did the company actually make?

that's the real question....

a PS3 release won't work, why?

simply because the people who bought it would want FFVII with better graphics only..

the people who bought a Wii probably own a DS...played FFIII (wich sold more than expected)

and would likely play FFVII, because these customers are NOT interested in super gfx, but more into intuitive control

and using the wiimote to point, instead of using up and down for menus tends to work...


it's just pure logic, really...especially since most veteran gamers (NES, SNES, Genesis, Arcade)

have a Wii...that's why MM9 will be there..that's why so many remakes are made..that's why nintendo started re-releasing old games

everyone simply copies...XBLA? lol...such a copy of Nintendo's Classics for the gave them enough info to start the VC etc


back to basics dude

FFVII remake on wii ?????? hahaha,you dreamt of that ???? lol
but are you serious ??????
i don't even think it is possible

baph72 said:


Itagaki has quit Tecmo and he's going to Konami to produce Metal Gear Solid 5.

By the end of 2010, the PS3 will be the leader in sales of any console in this generation. The games that are coming to PS3 are going to be by far the best ones on the market -- it's already the only console to have 2 current gen games that have each received a10.0 rating from IGN.

Following, this year, Microsoft is going to be putting much more effort into creating their 8th generation system scheduled for release in late '09 or at any rate no later than Holiday '10, and as more AAA titles show up for the PS3 that no one could ever even consider making on Wii as games like Uncharted and MGS 4 already are, the glaring discrepancies in quality between PS3 and Wii will appear to more and more people as time goes (The Wii just can't manufacture the same type of "WOW" quality that is needed to create hype for games) on , and those discrepancies will ensure that the Wii falls by the wayside. Especially by 2010 when the PS3 will cost only as much as the Wii does now. That is unless, everybody that likes gaming is just an idiot that prefers cheap current gen knock-offs of last gen goods, then they will keep picking the Wii in the same amounts that they are now.

I heard this same theory before...

before the release of the systems...throughout '06 and '07 and still in '08

each year..the PS3 will outsell and be first place the 'next' year..come on people..

please be reasonable.., unless a miracle never will be

you keep saying PS3 will be on top, but give no argument..

it will have games you can't conceive on the Wii? I can say the same could never sell Wii sports on the PS3..


yet it sells awesomely on the Wii.

and like Will Wright said:

Wii is the only 'newgen' console

the others are just improvements over lastgen consoles

leo-j said:
Soriku said:
leo-j said:
You people only think about PROFIT, PROFIT, INSTALL BASE INSTALL BASE.

What about the game? Do fans want a game remade with XBOX 1 visuals, and waggle contro(NO THEY DONT, ONLY WII FANBOYS PRAISE THIS)l?Do you actually believe FF VII wont sell aswell on the PS3 than on the wii?

The fanbase would just buy a ps3, its as simple as that.


Maybe because profit and install base is all companies care about? You know...companies arr supposed to make money...?


Soriku are you suggesting FF VII wont sell on the PS3?

It would sell.  I doubt it would sell as well though.

As a large portion of wii owners in Japan would have to buy a PS3 to get it, vs a relativly small numbers of PS3 owners having to buy a wii if it's switched.

Also, if buying a console for it... the wii is cheaper and some people may be priced out of the market.

Really if you buy into FF7 as a major system selling game...

yeah it'd sell a bit more on the Wii i'd think.