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Pristine20 said:
deathcape said:
baph72 said:
All I can say dtewi is I think your doubts are going to be crushed. There are millions of game fans that have been waiting a long time for proper continuations of Kojima's Cyberpunk series, Suzuki's Shenmue, and Eternal Darkness. Plus, Itagaki and Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 5 will sell just as well as MGS 4.


uhm...MGS5 will suck balls, because kojima won't be working on it

ps3 is matter how you put it

like you stated...FANS are waiting for the games..and fans are a group of people..

who can only become less with each sequal...they don't pop out of the ground

so....KH3 will be for Wii...because there are too many people like you who take good games for granted


Bolded: Isn't that ban material? i'm trying hard not to jump into the fray on this thrad...please don't make me!

I meant in the ps3 remake of FFVII department >_>

it would simply cost too much ...and wouldn't generate enough money


like I stated are a group of people who can only become less with sequals or remakes

unless the sequal does something really new