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Itagaki has quit Tecmo and he's going to Konami to produce Metal Gear Solid 5.

By the end of 2010, the PS3 will be the leader in sales of any console in this generation. The games that are coming to PS3 are going to be by far the best ones on the market -- it's already the only console to have 2 current gen games that have each received a10.0 rating from IGN.

Following, this year, Microsoft is going to be putting much more effort into creating their 8th generation system scheduled for release in late '09 or at any rate no later than Holiday '10, and as more AAA titles show up for the PS3 that no one could ever even consider making on Wii as games like Uncharted and MGS 4 already are, the glaring discrepancies in quality between PS3 and Wii will appear to more and more people as time goes (The Wii just can't manufacture the same type of "WOW" quality that is needed to create hype for games) on , and those discrepancies will ensure that the Wii falls by the wayside. Especially by 2010 when the PS3 will cost only as much as the Wii does now. That is unless, everybody that likes gaming is just an idiot that prefers cheap current gen knock-offs of last gen goods, then they will keep picking the Wii in the same amounts that they are now.


Note:  Back in the mid nineties, when Nintendo Babies were still playing Miyamoto's bouncing Mario cr*p,

fans that could see games as a much more serious artistic medium were playing Hideo Kojima's Snatcher and Policenauts.


Snatcher - full intro /SEGA CD/



Policenauts English 3DO trailer