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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP vs Banjo Nuts and Bolts

LBP, Sony will hype it while Microsoft will ignore Banjo. That, and LBP will be about 10x better.

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Little Big Planet.Very few people who own a 360 will be in interested in Banjo.imo

^^I am interested in it. It is another game my girlfriend can play besides Viva Pinata.

I know a lot of people that bought the 360 for perfect dark zero. They were all dissapointed (including myself). But viva and kameo are both good enough games. All three have had above average sales. I would go with banjo having the upper hand in regards to sales. Unless LBP is truly amazing or Banjo is utterly crap. Both should sell well.

Banjo, they both seems to be centered around online play and xbox live > Playstation online.

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LBP because is apeals to every1, banjo only has kids and some teens.

disolitude said:
Banjo...Xbox has 6 million more units on the market.

Brand reckognition is also on Banjo's side...

Anyone saying that people who played n64 Banjos all own wii's need to rethink their logic. I know atleast 5 people that had n64's when they were in high school and want nothing to do with the Wii at this point of their life.


I didn't know it was coming out tomorrow.

OT: LBP will sell better imo, especially after the vehicle fiasco with BK.

As in go buy us some coffee.

i think they both will sell like crap
LBP is a new ip and the causuals havent really heard too much about it.
banjo is an old franchise,but rare isnt the developer it used to be and banjo is on a new platform with diffrent audience than it was 7 years ago(not too mention they changed the focus of the game)
but i think they both will similarly around 600k to 1.2 mil each



Gobias said:
disolitude said:
Banjo...Xbox has 6 million more units on the market.

Brand reckognition is also on Banjo's side...

Anyone saying that people who played n64 Banjos all own wii's need to rethink their logic. I know atleast 5 people that had n64's when they were in high school and want nothing to do with the Wii at this point of their life.


I didn't know it was coming out tomorrow.

OT: LBP will sell better imo, especially after the vehicle fiasco with BK.

Actually that lead is 6.7 million today. At the rate the PS3 is outselling 360 these days...lead will stay over 6 million for quite a while and way passed the release of those 2 titles.