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Forums - Gaming Discussion - God of war 3 vs gears of war 2??

whacker41 said:
Blacksaber said:
Those are not even close to each is a hack and slash and one is a shooter.


 I think he's talking about sales, not the quality of them. Couldn't you comment on that?

Oh, and i think GOW3 would turn out on top.


It seemed very clear since Gears sold more then both GoW and GoW2 so unless Gears is very little advertised which I really doubt since it's a money cow or if it were to fail but its hard to mess up a good formula when you have it, it's going to win. The ony way I see God of War winning is if it does somthing over the top which could happen since there have been almost no details on it. And also since God will be out later as been said before in here.

Former something....

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gears will sell better because it is a shooter on a console with a fanbase that loves shooters, but both will sell well and both will be great.

LongLiveTheBeatles said:
How about; which franchise is more badass? God of War or Gears of War?


 I would say neither, because to me they both try too hard.


LongLiveTheBeatles said:
How about; which franchise is more badass? God of War or Gears of War?

Strictly on terms of badassed-ness, I'd go with God of War. The reason Kratos is so pale is pretty fucked up. Oh, and he kills gods. Though, I have to say, chainsaw duels are pretty damned badass.

I think that Gears will sell more, but GOW is the better game.

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well they cant really be compared,to which one will be more fun we will see

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Wait, not to be a troll or anything, but isn't it RESISTANCE2 that's going head-to-head with GEARS2 this holiday season?

Sony will prevail. My 60 gig says so.

PlayStation 3 Games:

- Rock Band
- Rock Band 2
- Soulcalibur IV
- LittleBigPlanet
- Guitar Hero: World Tour


i dont think his game is going to come ouy like nearly a year early.

I would feel more safer making a bet saying it comes out a year late then a year early. well it would follw current trends.

GiggityNinja said:
Wait, not to be a troll or anything, but isn't it RESISTANCE2 that's going head-to-head with GEARS2 this holiday season?

That's not being a troll, that's making sense.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

GOW3 FTW! Which is more badass? God of War by far the dude kills heros and gods! Not to mention him being cursed as the ghost of sparta and forever having to wear the ashes of his family!

I think gears may sell better as its a good shooter on a shooter console. Comming out at a time where shooters are huge.

PSWii60 owner! woot

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