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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Kingdom Hearts 3 to be revealed next month

Dgc1808 said:
sc94597 said:
I would rather it be golden sun 3 anyway. I like kh and all, but I like turnbased rpgs better.


If so then I will buy what ever platform it appears on. If it's ds i mite dust off my old one to buy that, if wii, then am guessing am getting a Wii! :)

Well, I am hoping for DS to get the main series, and the wii to get a new series that isn't necesarily a spin-off, but a series in its own, and of the same quality. That would be really nice, but Camelot is pretty small so I wouldn't count on anything early in this generation if it did happen unless somebody else did one of them.


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i will stay positive & i will say i really hope so why not

It would be funny if it was Mother 3 like they just blatantly said it was.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

NINTENDO POWER WOULD GET NEVER EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO UNVIEL A GAME unless it was an american based game so I'm thinking not kingdom hearts 3. Going buy thier record its probably be a game alreagy announced but with information than currently available.

I love fighting games !!! Come on challenge me !


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Marth (The Main Protagonist of Fire Emblem 1 Remake for the DS) has a curved hilt type thing, sword.


Edit: The size looks awkward compared to the picture, but I don't know if thats the actual size of Marth's sword since, well, SSBB DOES change character sizes and item sizes.

Brawl FC: 2106-1814-5245

The sword doesn't match Marth's that well at all. The hilt and blade are both fairly different. I think it is most likely something to do with Fire Emblem, but the picture you provide makes me doubt it involves Marth.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Come on, not this again. I have to say I'm kinda intrigued by the messages, cause it could be KH3, but only if they reveil it at e3, of which the chances are very, very small.

And it's Nintendo Power, when have they actually delivered on something great? Mega Man 9 was big, but before that every teaser was a dissapointment.

Euphoria14 said:

Where is Soriku? If this is true I think he won't be back for a while as he would definitely drop into a coma.

"This month's Nintendo Power issue features an advertise for the next issue, which is supposed to reveal a new game. Now, notice NP's description:

"We'll kick off the next 20 years of Nintendo Power with more big reveals, including a top-secret cover story fit for a king. It's got a lot of heart. Just kidding. It's Mother 3. Just kidding. Please look forward to it.""


If true, I still pray for a multiplatform release. Kingdom Hearts has way too much swordplay for me to whip my arm around non stop.


No Shit. If I had posted this, nobody would've take second notice.

Shameless said:
Soriku said:
steven787 said:
First, I don't care about Kingdom Hearts.

Second, that video was pretty convincing Soriku the sword is very close, but the hand guard is not curly.

Third, Nintendo Power has been very bad about over hyping the next issue since the new pub took over; which is why I'll believe it when I see it.


Maybe...but doesn't it seem that these parts are kinda...similar in the sword?

See the blue part I circled? It's the same way the sword arcs out in the vid.

You're trying too hard man :P

Kingdom Hearts 3 would be revealed in a Japanese magazine before some random Unofficial Nintendo magazine anyway.




If you read NP, you would know that it's the official magazine. Even though it has a new publisher, Nintendo still owns the Nintendo Power name.