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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Edge: Ninja Gaiden II walks all over DMC 4 and God of War

Im getting sick of this thread :D. I will stop this NG vs GOW crap now, and hope others will too. Btw it looks like the pc version of DMC4 is shaping up nicely -->

First, there are two new modes. Turbo mode speeds up the action so you'll be sure to develop some calluses on your thumbs as you unleash combos at a ferocious pace--as if DMC4 wasn't already fast enough. The Legendary Dark Knight mode will put your gaming rig to the test because it will up the enemy count, sometimes to more than 100 foes onscreen, so be sure to sharpen your sword.

It looks like DMC4 on the pc could be challenging after all.

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Phasma said:

Im getting sick of this thread :D.


Translation: I'm fresh out of bullshit to post.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Because Halo 3 doesn't. Both MGS 4 and God of War have higher review scores than Halo 3. And in his review in Play magazine of Metal Gear Solid 4, Nick "Rox" Des Barres says, "Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game to be released on any console so far in this generation." After reading Nick Rox's reviews for the past fifteen years and finding myself to be pretty much in agreement with the vast majority of his reviews over the years, and adding that to the fact that IGN gives MGS 4 a 10 as well (a very rare thing for them), then I would have to say that MGS 4 kicks Halo 3's ass.

What was the reviewer at Edge magazine that makes the ludicrous comment you quote doing in life when Nick Rox and E-Storm were putting out Gamefan? I would say the person at Edge wasn't doing very much at all.



"How bout the fact that according to you, Halo 3 kicks MGS4 and God of War's ass? Care to comment on that."

baph72 said:
I don't have to use aggregate reviews, Zen. I can go use IGN's reviews and demonstrate much the same rankings in regards to the games as what Metacritic uses. The only difference is the IGN scores for the other games I mentioned are much higher in comparison to NG II as the Metacritic scores make them out to be further demonstrating that the God of War series walks all over Ninja Gaiden II.

Furthermore, you say you know far more about this subject than I do. Well, let's go look at a source that knows far more about video games than Edge Magazine. Play magazine the direct descendant of the Greatest American Video Game Magazine of All Time DieHard Gamefan. In his review of Heavenly Sword, Dave Halverson gives Heavenly Sword a 10. There recent review of NG II makes the game out to be no more than a 9 at best, so then, even Heavenly Sword walks all over Ninja Gaiden II.

"If you want a definitive answer here, you're not gonna get one. In web 2.0, I know it's not the norm to listen to people who like Edge who probably know a lot more about this particular subject than you do, and just switch to aggregate reviews when it suits you, but like the Wii library talking point, your "evidence" here simply wont' stand up to scrutiany, and is completely bogus."


Anyway, yeah man, when the bulk of your arguments lie in mainstream critical concensus and not your own experience, why is there even an argument. I might as well go argue with my computer screen with pulled up. There really is no argument for him, except

"more people agree with me."


Well, I'll respond:

"core people agree with me."

Edge magazine, also agrees with me, apparently.


As for this new cherrypicking review sites, just don't. No reason.


Now, I think GoW sucks. However, you don't want to get into opinion, obviously. Not your or my opinion, anyway. Instead you want to use Dave Halverson's opinion. You just go ahead and enjoy Dave. I'm going to stick with the only opinion that I know is going to suit my tastes.

The only opinion of yours that I actually know is that you trust review numbers much more than the text in the review. You refuse to discuss games outside of their numberical reviews, even though quantifying games strictly by the numbers owns a number of games that you undoubtedly wouldn't want "owned" by someone like me.


So, by keeping yourself completely outside the conversation, you seek to protect yourself from me. You seem to have done a pretty good job. I literally don't have anything to get you own, outside of the fact that you pretty unabashedly claim that aggregate reviews are the end all comparison for games, and anyone who says different is using damage control.

I would ask you to talk some more, so I can find an opening in your logic and reasoning. Please, here is a topic for discussion: What is your favorite game, and which consoles do you own?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Obviously NG2 on the 360 is the greatest game ever made.

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baph72 said:

Because Halo 3 doesn't. Both MGS 4 and God of War have higher review scores than Halo 3. And in his review in Play magazine of Metal Gear Solid 4, Nick "Rox" Des Barres says, "Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game to be released on any console so far in this generation." After reading Nick Rox's reviews for the past fifteen years and finding myself to be pretty much in agreement with the vast majority of his reviews over the years, and adding that to the fact that IGN gives MGS 4 a 10 as well (a very rare thing for them), then I would have to say that MGS 4 kicks Halo 3's ass.

What was the reviewer at Edge magazine that makes the ludicrous comment you quote doing in life when Nick Rox and E-Storm were putting out Gamefan? I would say they weren't doing very much at all.



"How bout the fact that according to you, Halo 3 kicks MGS4 and God of War's ass? Care to comment on that."


Good, YES! Now I have you. One sec.


News for you:

The industry standard is gamerankings. Everyone who talks about MGS4 vs OOT or who say "best game of all time" refer to

MGS4: Together their reviews have resulted in an average ratio of 93.1%. That ratio has resulted in this title becoming the 54th best game of all time and the 3rd best game on the PlayStation 3.

Halo 3: 93.4%


Now, according to you, all games can be quanitatively ranked according to their average review scores, of which the most accepted standard is gamerankings(you don't have to agree to that, it's a fact).


Now, you can't have it both ways my friend. Which is it? .3 points or 12 points, it makes no difference. Better is better. "Walks all over" is "walks all over."


However, now you claim that instead of aggregate reviews, you personally only trust a few reviewers.

Well, I only trust /rolls dice Ferrago.

Ferrago gave MGS4 a 8/10

They gave Ninja Gaiden 2 a 9.5/10


Where was Rox when Ferrago was reviewing SMB3 back in 90?



You see the parody there? The problem with your logic.

I can find any way to backup what I want to say using gamerankings or metacritic. Anything!

Instead, I use my personal and vast amount of gaming experience to form and backup my own logic. I've said my peace about GoW vs NG2, enough to last a lifetime, but at least what I said was my real opinion, from having played and tested both games myself.

If I ever have to result to Ferrago, I know I'm in trouble.


So, good luck to you sir, and more power too you and your opinion, whatever that may be.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


You don't have the braincells to own me in any way, man.

Please show me where I state that aggregate review scores are the end all comparison for games.

These are the consoles that I have owned over the years: Atari 2600, Colecovision, IBM PC JR., Tandy IBM Clones, NES, Genesis, Turbografx-16, Atari Jaguar, 3DO, Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation, N-64, Sega Dreamcast, XBOX, Sony Playstation 2, Gamecube, Gameboy Advance, XBOX 360, Sony Playstation 3.

Favorite games and game series: Seiken Densetsu, Lunar, Grandia, Shenmue, Metal Gear Solid, The Legend of Zelda, Earthworm Jim, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Crazy Climber, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Final Fantasy, Metroid, Mother, Terranigma, God of War, Other Square-Enix Titles, Infocom text adventures, SSI D & D rpgs, Sierra (Police Quest, King's Quest, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry) and Lucas Art's graphical adventures (Loom, Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion), Pitfall I and II, Cosmic Ark, Atlantis, Dragon Fire, Donkey Kong Jr., Jungle Hunt, WarGames, Grand Theft Auto, Dragon's Lair, Space Fury, Space Panic, Sinistar, Buck Rodger's and the Planet of Zoom, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Fear Effect, Tomb Raider, Street Fighter, Ninja Gaiden, Warcraft III, Phoenix, Vanguard, Satan's Hollow, many more.

And what was Ferrago doing when I was reading Scorpia's adventure and rpg columns in Computer Gaming World back in the eighties?


"So, by keeping yourself completely outside the conversation, you seek to protect yourself from me. You seem to have done a pretty good job. I literally don't have anything to get you own, outside of the fact that you pretty unabashedly claim that aggregate reviews are the end all comparison for games, and anyone who says different is using damage control.

I would ask you to talk some more, so I can find an opening in your logic and reasoning. Please, here is a topic for discussion: What is your favorite game, and which consoles do you own?"

Don't talk bad about Zen he's gonna sell me some
HDDVDs on Ebay for cheap.

Yup should not have used that list, Halo 3 better than MGS4 is just bogus.

Sorry guys :P ignore my according to gamerankings post.

But in my opnion GOW>NG>DMC
Oh i thought the combo system was excellent in God of War 2, its very well done that you can keep making combo's while switching to magic or a other weapons. When you use magic in NG it feels slow to be honest, its the same with switching weapons.

ANd i feel that god of war is faster paced in my opinion.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Kratos said:
Yup should not have used that list, Halo 3 better than MGS4 is just bogus.

Sorry guys :P ignore my according to gamerankings post.

But in my opnion GOW>NG>DMC
Oh i thought the combo system was excellent in God of War 2, its very well done that you can keep making combo's while switching to magic or a other weapons. When you use magic in NG it feels slow to be honest, its the same with switching weapons.

ANd i feel that god of war is faster paced in my opinion.

I find that comment a bit weird, Ninja gaiden is ridiculously quick I would say of the 3 god of war is probably the slowest (I guess it depends on what weapon you use in each game but that's how it felt to me).

I agree with you though, total package GoW > NG > DMC.

But in terms of combat (which is what the article is talking about) Ninja Gaiden is lightyears ahead of the other two. There is just so much depth and skill required to beat the games that it is the most frustrating and rewarding of the 3 series. Hopefully God of War will catch up some day, because I'm a little disappointed with getting 3 unfinished games (GoW2 for combat, NG2 for graphical polish and cheap AI and DMC4 for lacklustre story and probably the least rewarding combat system of the three).