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Because Halo 3 doesn't. Both MGS 4 and God of War have higher review scores than Halo 3. And in his review in Play magazine of Metal Gear Solid 4, Nick "Rox" Des Barres says, "Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game to be released on any console so far in this generation." After reading Nick Rox's reviews for the past fifteen years and finding myself to be pretty much in agreement with the vast majority of his reviews over the years, and adding that to the fact that IGN gives MGS 4 a 10 as well (a very rare thing for them), then I would have to say that MGS 4 kicks Halo 3's ass.

What was the reviewer at Edge magazine that makes the ludicrous comment you quote doing in life when Nick Rox and E-Storm were putting out Gamefan? I would say the person at Edge wasn't doing very much at all.



"How bout the fact that according to you, Halo 3 kicks MGS4 and God of War's ass? Care to comment on that."