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baph72 said:

Because Halo 3 doesn't. Both MGS 4 and God of War have higher review scores than Halo 3. And in his review in Play magazine of Metal Gear Solid 4, Nick "Rox" Des Barres says, "Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game to be released on any console so far in this generation." After reading Nick Rox's reviews for the past fifteen years and finding myself to be pretty much in agreement with the vast majority of his reviews over the years, and adding that to the fact that IGN gives MGS 4 a 10 as well (a very rare thing for them), then I would have to say that MGS 4 kicks Halo 3's ass.

What was the reviewer at Edge magazine that makes the ludicrous comment you quote doing in life when Nick Rox and E-Storm were putting out Gamefan? I would say they weren't doing very much at all.



"How bout the fact that according to you, Halo 3 kicks MGS4 and God of War's ass? Care to comment on that."


Good, YES! Now I have you. One sec.


News for you:

The industry standard is gamerankings. Everyone who talks about MGS4 vs OOT or who say "best game of all time" refer to

MGS4: Together their reviews have resulted in an average ratio of 93.1%. That ratio has resulted in this title becoming the 54th best game of all time and the 3rd best game on the PlayStation 3.

Halo 3: 93.4%


Now, according to you, all games can be quanitatively ranked according to their average review scores, of which the most accepted standard is gamerankings(you don't have to agree to that, it's a fact).


Now, you can't have it both ways my friend. Which is it? .3 points or 12 points, it makes no difference. Better is better. "Walks all over" is "walks all over."


However, now you claim that instead of aggregate reviews, you personally only trust a few reviewers.

Well, I only trust /rolls dice Ferrago.

Ferrago gave MGS4 a 8/10

They gave Ninja Gaiden 2 a 9.5/10


Where was Rox when Ferrago was reviewing SMB3 back in 90?



You see the parody there? The problem with your logic.

I can find any way to backup what I want to say using gamerankings or metacritic. Anything!

Instead, I use my personal and vast amount of gaming experience to form and backup my own logic. I've said my peace about GoW vs NG2, enough to last a lifetime, but at least what I said was my real opinion, from having played and tested both games myself.

If I ever have to result to Ferrago, I know I'm in trouble.


So, good luck to you sir, and more power too you and your opinion, whatever that may be.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.