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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Figures show average Wii Fit player used Balance Board four times in a month. Has Nintendo failed?

People are buying it like mad....ninty's getting money

ofcourse they havn't failed

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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I imagine a lot of people just impulse buy this, use it once or twice and never get it out again. Quite similar to a lot of exercise equipment :P

Sure it is a bit disappointing to have an average of less than 4 playtimes, but on the other hand that translates into each session being over 2 hours. In my experience I'd say in the beginning maybe half of the time is spent on browsing the menus etc. so that would mean about an hour of actual excercises per session, which is not bad at all I think. It would be about the same as going to a one hour workout class once a week, and I hazard a guess most people would think that's already a steady excercise regime ;)

They have made a huge amount of money from this, so I dont really think they have failed

Bodhesatva said:

Actually, Squirrel, I think the biggest factor would be that this is a new game, and new purchasers have a significant downward effect on usage trends. For example:

Person A bought the game when the game came out a month ago, and has played it 8 times.
Person B bought the game yesterday, and has played it 1 time so far.
Person C bought the game a week ago, and has played it 3 times so far.

That would give a 4 average. You'll see usage stats go way up for any game as the number of new users decreases and those that have the game have gotten good time in with it.

I think normalizing the data shouldn't be a big problem for any statistical analyst... actually i do know most of the time one do normalize data and remove the possible outliers... cleaning of data is normal and definte process in any analysis, which i have done in my life...

But sure i don't know if they have done it or not... but i expect them to have done it..

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As was said, the data is skewed because you have to (a) be hooked up to the Internet and (b) have the Nintendo Channel enabled and allow tracking.

Basically, many Blue Ocean gamers -- a large part of the Wii Fit target -- do not have their Wii-s hooked up to the Internet. So they are not being tracked.

On a personal note, I know my balance board got a lot of use the first couple of weeks, then I went away and have not yet gotten back in the groove. But my belly says I must.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

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Everyone knows it's selling like hotcakes, so I don't think the question of "has Nintendo failed" was intended to have any kind of financial connotations. The context was against Nintendo's pitch that Wii Fit would revolutionize the way people worked out. It's probably still too early to tell, but in the long run I think the fitness program will only be an afterthought to the other games available that will use the board.

I'm with Shameless on this one :P Nintendo hasn't failed at all, they will sell a ton of these, I just never expected many people to use it >_>; They'll be quite profitable.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Nintendo does not care how much you play it, they only care that you buy it;;

Taken in account the install base of the Wii, the price, the launch date and the sales of Wii-fit, I think is one of the most successful peripherals...

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