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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Figures show average Wii Fit player used Balance Board four times in a month. Has Nintendo failed?

"Another new stats/figures, another new way to bash the Wii."

In the old days, analysts says Wii will not took off. Months later it took off than anyone expected

After months that Wii launched, many analysts says the Wii is a fad, it will not continue dominating, a year later its still dominating.

Many people says only 1st party games sell on the Wii, 11 million seller 3rd party prove theyre wrong.

Many people says only casual gamer plays the Wii, again the stats says it isnt true, this theory was debunked.

Again, analysts says 3rd party "quality games" THIS TIME didnt sell on the Wii because Boom Blox only sell on 60,000 in the month of May. Even EA says it sells as they expected.


Will it ever end?!!

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

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Long term numbers may be a better assessment for how much Wii Fit is actually being used.

I can say that I've logged just over 20 hrs worth of "points" which roughly translates to about 40+ hours worth of actual play time (30 point varied workout typically takes close to an hour). Most likely more. That's more play time than at least 90% of the games I've bought.

While I acknowledge the many shortcomings of Wii Fit, I like it. I can't say I'll still be using it in six months since it's largely substituting for weight training (which is more effective), I will say that I'm using the Wii more than ever entirely because of Wii Fit.

The second copy I bought for the other household was a real novelty item initially, but I'm guessing it's probably seen less than 10 hours total use between two users and the neighbors. It seems to be mostly used for the balance games (ie. not for exercising).

Both were set up a little over a month ago.

This is pretty much what I predicted. I just didn't expect to see the casual gamer household show such a lack of interest in Wii Fit. Less than one month.

I would imagine those using Wii Fit for exercise, will see a large rate of attrition after 1 month, at 3 months, 6 months, and by 12 months, single digit percentage of users would be expected at best.

Of course the general trend for normal people to stop going to the gym a few months after their New Year's resolution or whatever possessed them to start an exercise program in the first place never stops other people from joining gyms.

I don't see it stopping people from buying Wii Fit for the duration of the console's life time either.

But as for Wii Fit revolutionizing the way consoles are used and perceived, I think many Wii fans were being a little too optimistic and getting a little too carried away with the hype in measuring its lasting impact.