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Forums - Sony Discussion - Anyone else think Little Big Planet will sell terribly?

McDonalds will sell more sandwiches in one day than this game will sell copies in its entire lifetime.

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I think that at launch it will not sell bad, but nothing great. Maybe something like Ninja Gaiden II. However this game is about legs.... It sone of those that sells at least 20000 weekly after launch. But who really knows let´s just see what happens.

Words Of Wisdom said:
McDonalds will sell more sandwiches in one day than this game will sell copies in its entire lifetime.


Comments like these are unessecary.

Actually we'd need data on how many sandwiches they sell in a day....if it's 10 million or some other such number then I agree :P


This thread also reminds me of the MGS4 is doomed,it's niche,it won't sell a million in the first week,let alone the first day threads.Hope you guys eat crow again.

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the guy has been can we please end this thread now

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Depends. I think it will sell between 1 and 3 million and will be supported by a small hardcore audience of wanna be level designers.

Some people are predicting like 3+ Million easy.

I think that this game will have either Ehh success or it will become the next big rage in gaming. Allot will depend on how much and how well Sony markets it, and which way the winds of the industry are blowing when it launches. It has massive potential, but at the same time it could be a dissapointment. only time will tell.

I don't think it will sell massively, as I think it parallels "Viva Pinata" more than anything else. Both sound like great games but not really catering to the established audience for the consoles.

All the same, I thought BOOM BLOX would be a million seller!

((Still hoping for head tracking in Fatal Frame though...))

Little Big Planet is a game that really deserves to sell well.

It's daring, new, innovative, beautiful... much like ICO, in my mind. An art-game.

Setting it apart from that game is the online community, and the party-feel (multiplayer!) of the game. It has also recieved more hype, though not much. But I still believe it has a limited appeal to the PS3 owners (assumption), and that it will appeal mainly to the 'beyond hardcore' group.

Given the currently somewhat limited userbase of the PS3, I would say that it will open pretty badly (around 100k), and continue selling around 15k/week or so for a while, reaching maybe a million and a half lifetime (at best).

Then again, I really hope I'm totally wrong and it'll become a smash hit. Gaming needs new blood.

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