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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How is XBL better than PSN?

MikeB said:

Basically, currently both services have their pros and cons.

I like the PSN store and its game content better (Super Stardust HD IMO is the best effort of the games not being distributed on disc as well), I love the dedicated lag free servers for many games and best of all you can play online free of charge. The Singstore is also very cool:

I hope a future music (-video) and movie downloads will be similar on the PS3.

For developers the PSN provides far more flexibility, however integrating Microsoft's pre-baked Live functionality is easier.

Live advantages like in-game messaging, achievements (and OS features like custom sound tracks) should be dealt with soon by confirmed firmware updates. For example custom sound track support was also included through 360 firmware updates.

IMO achievements and custom sound tracks have been a bit overhyped. For many games sporting dynamic music like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune it does not make sense at all. For other games like Super Stardust HD the feature was added by the developers themselves, although nice for this sort of game I haven't used it at all.

Gamerscore is IMO boring as it has little to do with actual skill, I am more an advocate of highscore rankings and potentially trophies for finishing games in various difficulty levels. A trophy room can be cool, but I am not really anticipating this much.

Home as a whole is IMO the most interesting and promising new development, which should greatly expand the social aspect of the PS3. This I highly anticipate!

IMO don't expect too many 360 firmware advancements, its 32 MB firmware ROM is full, the PS3 has two 128 MB firmware ROMs which are largely empthy, Sony was planning ahead.


umm... thanks for your, ummm... comment...... (please no flaming everyone)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

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DirtyP2002 said:

You can video-chat in some Arcade games like Texas Hold 'em, Uno or Warlords (and some more, but i don't know all of them)


But not in regular games like CoD4 or Halo3. At least I haven't heard of it. But I think you can video-chat (crazy word by the way) with MSN all the time. But I am not sure about this one. The 360-camera also works as a regular webcam.


ok, that makes a little more sense to me... (I was like WTH....I didn;t know console gaming communication was that good yet)

Edit: sorry for all the posts... ¬_¬

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Machina-AX said:

So far the differences I've noticed these differences (not had my 360 long so I haven't utilised all of its features, there may be more):

XBL - More demos.
- More add-on content (although a lot of it is pretty useless).
- New demos are often added on XBL long before PSN.
- Gamerscore.
- In-game dashboard.
- Custom soundtrack/music.

PSN - Free.
- Dedicated servers - I have noticed that online multiplayer is slightly more reliable on my PS3. Whether that's just luck or whether it's because of this difference I'm not sure...
- A number of full PS3 games available to download (e.g Warhawk & GT5:P) and PSP games to download (e.g Tekken 5: DR & Echochrome).
- Good-looking PSN games - I've noticed that most XBLA games have pretty poor graphics compared to PSN games, but maybe I haven't downloaded the decent XBLA demos? I'm in need of good XBLA recommendations tbh.


And yes I did read your caveat in the 2nd paragraph, but Sony has been pretty quiet on those features. They haven't been implemented yet so:

1 - We don't know how well in-game XMB, music and trophies will work.
2 - They don't count yet because we simply don't have them yet.


Just to make this clear for those that mention dedicated servers on the PS3, not all games on the PS3 have dedicated servers.  It is up to the developer or publisher to provide dedicated servers.  For most (if not all) Sony published online games there are dedicated servers provided.  For non-Sony games it is inconsistent.  Some games use matchmaking servers similar to XBL (eg. CoD4).  So, if you are buying a multiplayer game for the PS3 only because of dedicated servers, research the game first.

I give this thread a 9.6.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

MikeB said:

Basically, currently both services have their pros and cons.

I like the PSN store and its game content better (Super Stardust HD IMO is the best effort of the games not being distributed on disc as well), I love the dedicated lag free servers for many games and best of all you can play online free of charge. The Singstore is also very cool:

I hope a future music (-video) and movie downloads will be similar on the PS3.

For developers the PSN provides far more flexibility, however integrating Microsoft's pre-baked Live functionality is easier.

Live advantages like in-game messaging, achievements (and OS features like custom sound tracks) should be dealt with soon by confirmed firmware updates. For example 1.custom sound track support was also included through 360 firmware updates.

2. IMO achievements and custom sound tracks have been a bit overhyped
. For many games sporting dynamic music like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune it does not make sense at all. For other games like Super Stardust HD the feature was added by the developers themselves, although nice for this sort of game I haven't used it at all. If it was important to me, I would have turned down the in-game music volume and use my audio system.

Gamerscore is IMO boring as it has little to do with actual skill, I am more an advocate of highscore rankings and potentially trophies for finishing games in various difficulty levels. A trophy room can be cool, but I am not really anticipating this much.

Home as a whole is IMO the most interesting and promising new development, which should greatly expand the social aspect of the PS3. This I highly anticipate!

3. IMO don't expect too many 360 firmware advancements, its 32 MB firmware ROM is full, the PS3 has two 128 MB firmware ROMs which are largely empthy, Sony was planning ahead.

PSP remote play and connectivity also seems cool, but I don't have a PSP (yet) to try this.



1. No, it was out of the box.  My launch-day, non-Live-connected 360 had custom soundtrack support.















GTA IV!!!!!!!!!



3. Really?  Where'd you hear that?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

PSN started a subscription fee for Qore stuffs like demos and videos, which are available for free on Xbox live. Xbox Live charges you for multiplayer. So, it's your choice to decide whether Multiplayer fees or Demo/video fees are more ripping you off.

On top of the mentioned Xbox live and PSN stuffs, I believe the XBox Live Graphical interface is much more friendly than the PSN. Media Center for streaming contents from PC is really simple too.

I'm not sure whether the following option is xbox live exclusive, but Live has full parental controls.

Around the Network
reptile168 said:
PSN started a subscription fee for Qore stuffs like demos and videos, which are available for free on Xbox live. Xbox Live charges you for multiplayer. So, it's your choice to decide whether Multiplayer fees or Demo/video fees are more ripping you off.

On top of the mentioned Xbox live and PSN stuffs, I believe the XBox Live Graphical interface is much more friendly than the PSN. Media Center for streaming contents from PC is really simple too.

I'm not sure whether the following option is xbox live exclusive, but Live has full parental controls.


 No thats complete bull $hit.

QORE does not charge you for vidoes or demos.. its like paying for a magazine.

And no demos are not FREE if you want them immediately on XBOX LIVE.



I really like the Media Center in XBOx.

I can listen to all the music/songs in my PC and can watch videos in my pc.

Also, the picture sharing is cool. Friends and family can look/watch a slideshow of all the pictures in my PC and while playing background songs/playlist.

leo-j said:
reptile168 said:
PSN started a subscription fee for Qore stuffs like demos and videos, which are available for free on Xbox live. Xbox Live charges you for multiplayer. So, it's your choice to decide whether Multiplayer fees or Demo/video fees are more ripping you off.

On top of the mentioned Xbox live and PSN stuffs, I believe the XBox Live Graphical interface is much more friendly than the PSN. Media Center for streaming contents from PC is really simple too.

I'm not sure whether the following option is xbox live exclusive, but Live has full parental controls.


 No thats complete bull $hit.

QORE does not charge you for vidoes or demos.. its like paying for a magazine.

And no demos are not FREE if you want them immediately on XBOX LIVE.


Qore isn't like paying for a magazine, it is like playing for Sony's marketing.  Magazine's provide some of their own content and are supposed to be a impartial (although it doesn't seem to always work out that way) 3rd party for news and reviews.  1st party news, previews, and reviews are marketing.  Demos are also marketing.  I think it's hilarious that some people will pay to view marketing materials that are normally free.

I give that post a 9.3.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

SamuelRSmith said:
Well, basically:

- Cross game invites
- Cross game private chatting
- More content
- Better features in games (CoD4, for example has dedicated leaderboard servers, so your friends don't have to be online to see their stats).
- More leaderboards (CoD4 on 360 has leaderboards for the Arcade mode, for example).

- The ability to see exactly what gametypes and maps people are playing (You can go over a friend in your friendslist and it will say "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Headquaters on Shipment")
- Cross game messaging
- Universal friends lists
- More DLC
- Achievements
- Player zones
- MSN Messenger support
- Headset standard with Premium and Elite consoles.

- Custom soundtracks.

Bold = 2.40 and upcoming features through in-game XMB or can somewhat already

Italic = coming

Underline = who cares?


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To me there is no difference, aside from cost. PSN is free, XBL wastes my money. I'm not a fan of buying stuff, just the occasional Guitar Hero Track Pack, and warhawk Map Pack, other than that I download Blu-ray trailers and a few demos. I prefer to spend my money on actual games.

As for the trophies and achievements I couldn't care less, all those do is tell others how much of a life you don't have.

I also couldn't care less if I hear all the 13 years olds cursing or not online. There's also atleast one annoying that ruins the game, so I'd prefer not to hear them at all.

But hey that's just me, others like to blow their money, so XBL is the better place to do it.