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MikeB said:

Basically, currently both services have their pros and cons.

I like the PSN store and its game content better (Super Stardust HD IMO is the best effort of the games not being distributed on disc as well), I love the dedicated lag free servers for many games and best of all you can play online free of charge. The Singstore is also very cool:

I hope a future music (-video) and movie downloads will be similar on the PS3.

For developers the PSN provides far more flexibility, however integrating Microsoft's pre-baked Live functionality is easier.

Live advantages like in-game messaging, achievements (and OS features like custom sound tracks) should be dealt with soon by confirmed firmware updates. For example 1.custom sound track support was also included through 360 firmware updates.

2. IMO achievements and custom sound tracks have been a bit overhyped
. For many games sporting dynamic music like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune it does not make sense at all. For other games like Super Stardust HD the feature was added by the developers themselves, although nice for this sort of game I haven't used it at all. If it was important to me, I would have turned down the in-game music volume and use my audio system.

Gamerscore is IMO boring as it has little to do with actual skill, I am more an advocate of highscore rankings and potentially trophies for finishing games in various difficulty levels. A trophy room can be cool, but I am not really anticipating this much.

Home as a whole is IMO the most interesting and promising new development, which should greatly expand the social aspect of the PS3. This I highly anticipate!

3. IMO don't expect too many 360 firmware advancements, its 32 MB firmware ROM is full, the PS3 has two 128 MB firmware ROMs which are largely empthy, Sony was planning ahead.

PSP remote play and connectivity also seems cool, but I don't have a PSP (yet) to try this.



1. No, it was out of the box.  My launch-day, non-Live-connected 360 had custom soundtrack support.















GTA IV!!!!!!!!!



3. Really?  Where'd you hear that?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."