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Forums - General Discussion - Do you think that I'm a fanboy?

RolStoppable said:
You definitely were one of Sony, but in the last couple of months you have matured a little and became less annoying, because now you actually listen to what people say and don't get yourself trapped in a page-long argument which you can only lose. My favorite example, from January 2008 I think, is you saying that nobody could have bought a Wii for the games in 2007, instead the Wii sold because of Nintendo brand loyalty.

You are kinda like Soriku. At first really annoying and making people wonder why the mods don't ban you for good, but after enough time it turns out that you actually have the potential to be a valuable member of our community.

wow.  You know something has changed when you can get Rol to come out and give you a pat on the back sans irony.  Well done, DMJ.  And well said, Rol.


Around the Network

When I still lurked here DMJ, to me, was about up there with Crazzyman.

But since then he grew and I actually read his posts

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


super_etecoon said:
RolStoppable said:
You definitely were one of Sony, but in the last couple of months you have matured a little and became less annoying, because now you actually listen to what people say and don't get yourself trapped in a page-long argument which you can only lose. My favorite example, from January 2008 I think, is you saying that nobody could have bought a Wii for the games in 2007, instead the Wii sold because of Nintendo brand loyalty.

You are kinda like Soriku. At first really annoying and making people wonder why the mods don't ban you for good, but after enough time it turns out that you actually have the potential to be a valuable member of our community.

wow.  You know something has changed when you can get Rol to come out and give you a pat on the back sans irony.  Well done, DMJ.  And well said, Rol.


You sure he wasn't being sarcastic?


OT: Ummm, you're not really a fanboy but a Sony fan....




youre biased against the X360 yes. I see you as a Sony fanboy.

The answer is in the question.

Around the Network

You seem to be a fan of the only system you don't own.

Which kinda makes you a putz.

Heh just kidding. You do seem to lean to the sony side a bit though.

before... not anymore though

Not at all. I think you've learned to accept the strengths of each system and appreciate them while still standing firmly as a Sony fan. That's terrific. After all, Sony treated us all so well in the 5th generation, that you'd have to be a fanboy to NOT love Sony.



no i dont think your a fanboy

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

MontanaHatchet said:
Not at all. I think you've learned to accept the strengths of each system and appreciate them while still standing firmly as a Sony fan. That's terrific. After all, Sony treated us all so well in the 5th generation, that you'd have to be a fanboy to NOT love Sony.


 Someone sound the corny butt loving horn


LOLOL jk dude

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

