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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do MGS4 and FF7 have in common?

They both show off the advantages of having a larger storage medium by bluring the line between cut scene and gameplay.

I remeber when FF7 came out. At the time I was a raging Nintendo fanboy. I hated Square for thier betrayal of Nintendo and I said I didn't care about  about cut scenes (FMV). But after playing FF7 and all it's glory I knew in my heart that FF7 could never have been done on N64. Not in the masterful way it was done on Playstation. I knew then that being the owner of a console with a low storage medium can leave you feeling empty. I bought a PS3 because I never wanted to feel that way again.

Fast forward to yesterday. I invited a friend over so he could see MGS4. He had just spent $3000 on a gaming PC and Crysis a month ago. Remembering some of the arguments I'd had here on VG charts, I asked him: "So does this look better then Crysis?", To which he replied "well a little but that's just the cut scene". Then as the actual game began Solid Snake stood motionless. I asked my friend why he wasn't moving. 

The game had gone from cut scene into gameplay and he hadn't even noticed.


So that's the advantage of PS3 that even most PC games can't touch. A ridiculious ammount of memory allowing developers a LOT of real estate to work with. MGS4 is the first game to take advatage of this... but it wont be the last.

Naysayers will mutter somthing along the lines of: "I don't mind having a game on multiple DVDs"

To which I will say: "what will you do for the game comming out on multiple bluray disks?"

To which they will say: "I'm Lvl 70 in WoW".


Good for you kid. As for me I'll be chillin' with Final Fantasy 13.



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Only parallel between the two that I can think of is that their quality or lack there of in people's minds is a source of controversy.


Another parallel is that they are both the first in the series for that particular console.

Actually, you made me feel that MGS moment Good job, dude!

I was gonna respond with: they're the first reeeeeally big exclusive games for their respective Playstation consoles.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I have to disagree with the idea that FF7 blurred the line between cut scene and game play though. I love that game to pieces but it did no such thing.


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Yeah, they're both games that show you the true power of the respective systems media storage capabilities.

MGS4 - Blu-Ray

MGS4 more graphically advanced than Crysis?

Didn't say graphically advanced wfz....he said "looks better"

A number of people think that Okami was the best looking game ever, but obviously it wasn't the most graphically advanced by any standard.


Torillian said:
Didn't say graphically advanced wfz....he said "looks better"

A number of people think that Okami was the best looking game ever, but obviously it wasn't the most graphically advanced by any standard.


Well the way he stated it seemed to imply that his friend thought MGS4 had better graphics than Crysis, since he was referring to a cutscene.

Torillian said:
I have to disagree with the idea that FF7 blurred the line between cut scene and game play though. I love that game to pieces but it did no such thing.

At the time yeah I did. I remember a few scenes where I could still move Cloud during the FMV.