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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Trophies/achievements... or whatever they are?

I dont think anyone here knows

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are both of them included in 2.40?

I doubt they can read the achievements you've done previously if they haven't even been implemented at that point. I'm pretty sure you'll have to start gaining "trophies" or "points" after they've been added.

kowenicki said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I doubt they can read the achievements you've done previously if they haven't even been implemented at that point. I'm pretty sure you'll have to start gaining "trophies" or "points" after they've been added.

guess that make sense.... suits me... early adopters screwed again.


For older games but maybe not the newer games.  

For old games like Resistance you probably won't get your trophies, maybe for new shit like MGS4 though.

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The biggest issue will be -- will all future games be required to have trophies. I know ill be pissed off if game x has throphies but game y dosn't.

Then its a 'number of trophies/ points' issue. I don't want MGS4 to give me 100 points for doing everything while Madden offers me 100,000 points for loading up the game once... I want all games to give the same number of points... that way its fair and i can judge myself on how much i've done in all my games...

Finally -- Will we be given some way to easily view our trophies and points ... if not then people won't be happy...

Now lets all pray that SONY will be nice enough to detail the features of 2.40 -- In-game XMB + Trophies is great. But what can i do with in-game XMB? Will it let me message people? will it give me custom-soundtracks? Can i see my trophies? can i watch video's? can i use the web browser? can i change user profile? Can more than profile log in at once? If any of these features are missing will we see them in the future ?

I would say achievements will come into effect for upcoming games....

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Wow things that do not interest me at all. Achievements/Trophies must be the most useless feature ever.

/rant off

Okay, here's another question for you (as I'd like to know). What exactly is the appeal of these trophies things? Do they get me anything other then some kind of recognition so people can see I've completed MGS4 in 2 hours or something? Or that I found the secret mystical item in Gran Turismo?

Tell me about what they are for exactly.

Hmm, pie.

They may adopt what M$ has. Every game is 1000 AP. The occasional game has 900 or 1100. But I mean occasional as in like 5 or 6 out of the entire catalogue. That way it's always even.