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Forums - Sony Discussion - My opion of the Ps3 after my first day playing it is....

Cool. :) Congrats to you!

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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AC is enjoyable but I wish they would put more variety in it. It gets quite repetitive but it's not a bad game. It was fun and that's all that matters with video games!

I enjoyed AC and Uncharted is also a worthy purchase.

Not everyone likes it but I think Warhawk is also an excellent buy.


I enjoyed AC and don't regret buying it at all - even though I'd be the first in line to call out its faults, particularly around the lack of content and true missions.

But the engine is great, the style fantastic and while it feels more like a prologue rather than a full game (in terms of story) it does have an interesting premise I hope the sequel explores much more fully.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Wiitard448 said:
well the only reason i am getting AC is i can get it for $10 on gamefly


 thats a great price. for that amount get it.

well its not that its bad, its actually good. its just repetitive and has 0 replay value in my opinion.

My friend got really far in it, and his bro saved over his profile. and he has never wanted to start over. He sold the game.

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Gran Turismo 5 and Oblivion are also fun to play if you like cars or those "choose your own adventure" books from back in the day.

cringer8 said:
Well, finish MGS as soon as possible and then get COD4. That should really be the only game you'll need for a while (if you're anything like me).


 same here man! I've had it since launch back in Nov and its the only game i've played constantly since then (with short breaks for GTA4, AC, etc)

Heavenly Sword is pretty good, at the prices you can find it for these days. The only thing that was ever really wrong with it was that it was way too short (i.e. we wanted more, because it was pretty fun... while it lasted). If you can get it cheap... its worth it... certainly as much as AC is for cheap, IMO.


Folklore is fun too, if you like console RPGs.

my next game i am getting is cod4. thar should kept me busy for awhile


Good thing you enjoyed your PS3.

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