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Forums - Gaming Discussion - do you think metal gear solid will stay ps3 exclusive?

leo-j said:
sieanr said:
leo-j said:

I really dont care what you post, I have the game I know that its all running through the IN GAME ENGINE:

Here is a demonstration:


You see that so called pre rendered scene? You can use the 2nd controller while playing and fight that certain boss with that character.

Then why do many of the cutscenes have noticeable compression artifacts?

The fact of the matter is you don't know jack shit. Its also hysterical that you post a video which is clearly in-game. Try the cutscene after that where raiden has to chop off his arm to get out from under a rock, but then somehow stops a massive mile long warship with his other arm.  You can see tons of macroblocking in the sky there.

I dont feel like arguing, MGS4 DOES NOT USE PRE RENDERED cutscenes, that is a FACT.



Translation: I can't argue, there are no facts to back up my claims.


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"It's apparent that Guns of the Patriots squeezes every pixel possible out of the PS3 and renders them beautifully. As a result, players are witnesses to one of the finest games ever created on any console or PC. Character models are large and impressively rendered in real time, and transitions between cutscenes and gameplay are seamless and natural."





for Gods Sake we'd rather believe in IGN than in another thread you have already proven that you are a very arrogant & rude person (refer to your 12 year old comment about someone).....

so I would suggest stop now....IGN has proved you wrong

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

leo-j said:

"It's apparent that Guns of the Patriots squeezes every pixel possible out of the PS3 and renders them beautifully. As a result, players are witnesses to one of the finest games ever created on any console or PC. Character models are large and impressively rendered in real time, and transitions between cutscenes and gameplay are seamless and natural"


To be honest he probably is confused about this too...


By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

If I'm not mistaken, Snake uses the sixaxis to control the metar gear Mk II (shown in the trailers, i'm not spoiling). Except that concept can be changed, M$ would be helping Sony advertise their console if it was ported to the 360.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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Thats certainly not the only thing in the game.

Theres several things in the game that basically say " F u microsoft" thats how much there is.


FJ-Warez said:
leo-j said:

"It's apparent that Guns of the Patriots squeezes every pixel possible out of the PS3 and renders them beautifully. As a result, players are witnesses to one of the finest games ever created on any console or PC. Character models are large and impressively rendered in real time, and transitions between cutscenes and gameplay are seamless and natural"


To be honest he probably is confused about this too...


Rather, these two elements are tightly intertwined, and this tapestry is held together by an important technical thread: Cutscenes that are rendered fully in real time within the game engine. It's impressive enough that these scenes look as good as any prerendered cinematic you've ever watched. It's even more amazing when those same scenes transition without pause into gameplay, and the same hulking mech you watched lumber about in the cinematic is looming above you. The subtle animations, the lush environments, and the rich textures are the same in and out of story sequences, and the effect is so seamless it may take your breath away.;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot



First of all. The 360 could handle it, but it will stay exclusive.
Good for me, that I don't care that much about the MGS series :)

leo-j said:
Jlmadyson said:
Skeeuk said:
mgs4 is ps3 exclusive and is the greatest game ever made. if you want to play the magnificence of this game, get a ps3


 Far from it, but very good game no less.


 Have you ever played it? Send me  a PM, and tell me who is the leader of the BB


Tell you what I can do one even better. I can add you to my PSN friends list and you can watch me play it on one of my two PS3s tonight, savvy. It is a great game, no doubt, but far from the greatest game ever and not quite the greatest of this generation either and I’ve always loved the MGS series.


leo-j has a quote from gamespot as his source, therefore he must be right.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957