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Forums - General Discussion - Sony Ericsson unveils Wii-like phone

SINGAPORE: Sony Ericsson, the Swedish-Japanese phone maker, on Tuesday unveiled a Wii-like handset which allows users to play games using the phone as a motion sensor.

"This is our first foray into motion gaming," Howard Lewis, vice president and head of the product business unit, said of the F305 mobile phone launch held in conjunction with CommunicAsia, an industry convention and exhibition.

"We see gaming as a way to interact with our young customers... it's a new area of the market that Sony Ericsson is entering into," he said.

With the F305 phone, the device itself acts as a motion sensor when playing pre-loaded games including bowling and bass fishing, the company said.

Japanese video game giant Nintendo Co.'s wildly popular Wii console is known for its innovative motion-sensitive controller.

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Umm there are other motion sensing phones out there. Wii-like phone lol.

excellent, id buy this over the iphone any day!

i'm sure many people will break these things easily, but it looks interesting. I hope that the service is good, and since it still is a phone, it should have other phone-like features.


currently playing:

umm.. if you have to move it around like a wii controller, wouldnt you not be able to see the screen?

Around the Network

I think sony have released something with this feature before

what is this feature????????????

It looks like iPhone had sex with an N-Gage and then had a retarded baby.

I already have a phone though....

Just more copying and jumping into the wii bandwagon, even if there are phones like these already, people are gonna jump into it because of the success of the wii. Wii is helping/affecting all technology business.