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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Top 5 Xbox 360 Games PS3 Fanboys Wish They Had

I Perdict said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Q_A_X said:
5. No. Denial
4. No. Denial. Ok so far so good...
3. No. Denial. Ugh.... it's getting harder
2. GOD NO. Denial. OHSHITMASSEFFECT! *deep inhalation*. Denial.
1. Lmfao. Halo 3? Keep it. Oh crap, I wish I could play Halo 3 but I don't have a 360. Denial.

End of.

Fixed it for you.

You even lie in your profile, you put little big planet there and it hasn't even released yet. 


dont be a condescending ass. Not everyone loves Halo 3 or else 6 billion copies would have been sold.


So what? they guy's lying through his teeth. The only reasons he doesn't want any of those games it's because neither is available on his console of choice. Heck, he's even a fanboy with his money, only buys ps3 exclusives... IF he has the games on his profile *gg


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Bitmap Frogs said:
I Perdict said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Q_A_X said:
5. No. Denial
4. No. Denial. Ok so far so good...
3. No. Denial. Ugh.... it's getting harder
2. GOD NO. Denial. OHSHITMASSEFFECT! *deep inhalation*. Denial.
1. Lmfao. Halo 3? Keep it. Oh crap, I wish I could play Halo 3 but I don't have a 360. Denial.

End of.

Fixed it for you.

You even lie in your profile, you put little big planet there and it hasn't even released yet. 


dont be a condescending ass. Not everyone loves Halo 3 or else 6 billion copies would have been sold.


So what? they guy's lying through his teeth. The only reasons he doesn't want any of those games it's because neither is available on his console of choice. Heck, he's even a fanboy with his money, only buys ps3 exclusives... IF he has the games on his profile *gg



 Got a polygraph test to back up those claims?

I got to tell ya, that list isn't that good of one. halo 3 sucks imo and fable2 isnt even out yet. The other games are up for debate.

The list is decent, stop and pop games like gears are good on consoles (which I would have bought for my PC if the story wasn't supposed to be so short).

Personally I don't understand why people freak out about Halo. The stories have gotten shorter and it is all about multi-player, but then again I think the only good multi-player is local (as in the person is sitting next to me on the couch so that if either of us gets to mouthy we can hit each other unlike all the cocky 13 year olds that probably don't weigh 100 pounds soaking wet or under 200 pounds if they hadn't eaten in a week).

Dead Rising I would love to have, there were rumors about DR2 coming to PS3 but we haven't even heard about DR2 in a while.

Fable didn't interest me, neither does Fable 2.

Would like to have Mass Effect though, one to piss off fox news, and because Bioware has a history of making games I've enjoyed.

Another good thing about Halo is that you can play with someone locally and online at the same time. It is called split-screen. And you do know you can mute people right? Or just completely turn off voice chat?

Halo 3? Lol, I don't want that game

Around the Network
I Perdict said:

 Got a polygraph test to back up those claims?

I got to tell ya, that list isn't that good of one. halo 3 sucks imo and fable2 isnt even out yet. The other games are up for debate.


No, but people with strong opinions towards a console manufacturer posting on the board of another manufacturer to say they don't like their games and who have been previously banned make me suspicious.

Come to think of it, you fit the profile too.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
I Perdict said:

 Got a polygraph test to back up those claims?

I got to tell ya, that list isn't that good of one. halo 3 sucks imo and fable2 isnt even out yet. The other games are up for debate.


No, but people with strong opinions towards a console manufacturer posting on the board of another manufacturer to say they don't like their games and who have been previously banned make me suspicious.

Come to think of it, you fit the profile too.

You don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Please tell me why I was previously banned?

and everyone is entitled to their own damn opinions. Key word there is opinions. No ones opinions are right or wrong. But you are telling the guy his opinions are wrong/

Also I said I didnt like one game. Get over it. Like I said not everyone in the world likes Halo3 or else there would be 6 billion copies sold.


This list sounds more like what Xbox fanboys are proud of in their system.

Let me give a hint, more Sony fans want the jRPGs. I bought a 360 because it actually offered something besides Halo and games that make its way to PC (hint: jRPGs & Itagaki)

1. Lost Odyssey
2. Ninja Gaiden II
3. Eternal Sonata
4. Blue Dragon
5. DOA4

That would be my personal list.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


FinalEvangelion said:
This list sounds more like what Xbox fanboys are proud of in their system.

Let me give a hint, more Sony fans want the jRPGs. I bought a 360 because it actually offered something besides Halo and games that make its way to PC (hint: jRPGs & Itagaki)

1. Lost Odyssey
2. Ninja Gaiden II
3. Eternal Sonata
4. Blue Dragon
5. DOA4

That would be my personal list.


 I'd take out DoA4... Blue Dragon is a meh and the others would be up for debate.

I Perdict said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
I Perdict said:

 Got a polygraph test to back up those claims?

I got to tell ya, that list isn't that good of one. halo 3 sucks imo and fable2 isnt even out yet. The other games are up for debate.


No, but people with strong opinions towards a console manufacturer posting on the board of another manufacturer to say they don't like their games and who have been previously banned make me suspicious.

Come to think of it, you fit the profile too.

You don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Please tell me why I was previously banned?


Who cares! the point is you are a ps3 fanboy shitting up a thread on the x360 forum and that at some point in the past you did something to warrant a -2000$ fine from the mods. Mind you, most bans have a -200$ fine attached. But hey, I'll let your own words speak for me, quoting you on:

"B. I'm sorry what shooters are there for 360 besides Gears?  I know ps3 has SOCOM and R2. i'd say this is more open for debate than you make it seem" ?"

Seriously? no shooters on 360 besides Gears? 

Now, how come you aren't talking with your fellow sony fans about awesome ps3 games? Oh wait...



Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).