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The list is decent, stop and pop games like gears are good on consoles (which I would have bought for my PC if the story wasn't supposed to be so short).

Personally I don't understand why people freak out about Halo. The stories have gotten shorter and it is all about multi-player, but then again I think the only good multi-player is local (as in the person is sitting next to me on the couch so that if either of us gets to mouthy we can hit each other unlike all the cocky 13 year olds that probably don't weigh 100 pounds soaking wet or under 200 pounds if they hadn't eaten in a week).

Dead Rising I would love to have, there were rumors about DR2 coming to PS3 but we haven't even heard about DR2 in a while.

Fable didn't interest me, neither does Fable 2.

Would like to have Mass Effect though, one to piss off fox news, and because Bioware has a history of making games I've enjoyed.