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Bitmap Frogs said:
I Perdict said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Q_A_X said:
5. No. Denial
4. No. Denial. Ok so far so good...
3. No. Denial. Ugh.... it's getting harder
2. GOD NO. Denial. OHSHITMASSEFFECT! *deep inhalation*. Denial.
1. Lmfao. Halo 3? Keep it. Oh crap, I wish I could play Halo 3 but I don't have a 360. Denial.

End of.

Fixed it for you.

You even lie in your profile, you put little big planet there and it hasn't even released yet. 


dont be a condescending ass. Not everyone loves Halo 3 or else 6 billion copies would have been sold.


So what? they guy's lying through his teeth. The only reasons he doesn't want any of those games it's because neither is available on his console of choice. Heck, he's even a fanboy with his money, only buys ps3 exclusives... IF he has the games on his profile *gg



 Got a polygraph test to back up those claims?

I got to tell ya, that list isn't that good of one. halo 3 sucks imo and fable2 isnt even out yet. The other games are up for debate.