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Forums - General Discussion - Do you like having the perma bans back?

Seeing these guys and err.. girl posting again feels really strange. Almost like all of the Batman villains in Arkham Asylum escaping or being released because the authorities feel they have been rehabilitated. Hopefully they have been reformed but I have a feeling it's only a matter of time until some of them go back to their old ways and feel the very familiar ban hammer again.

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I do for a few members here

I really dont care...

I didnt really care if I came back or not, I just wanted the sales.


Faxanadu said:
It makes the place more interesting.

It also absolutely destroys any kind of threat the permaban had before. People will expect to return anyways. so the authority of the mods is diminished.

We mods agreed to it.  Well, most of us, anyway.


Or check out my new webcomic:

Some guys are ok... others not...

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the site would be depressing without them

At first I thought it was a glitch, that maybe during the site update, a folder or whatever that had all the banned people in their freaked out and got deleted, and I was like "ZOMG", but now that we know it was intentional, I guess ioi saw reason to do it, and since people are acting fine, it shouldn't matter.

But I agree, some people should not have been allowed back...

Its nice to see a few of them back.

Nintendo still doomed?
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i like having old banned members back, lets just hope they will act cool

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
pichu_pichu said:
I do for a few members here

 Still have to protect those pichu gifs though.

 I voted IDC btw