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Forums - General Discussion - It is my 18th birthday.

@ dogs, unfortunately, in the UK at the least, it is cool to go out with the express purpose of getting drunk... especially with teenagers

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I know that dogs, but I won't even do that.

and the UK is...weird. >.> J/K!!!!!!!!!! *runs*

@ I like bacon, it really is, with chavs and tons of knife crime, gang culture, there are many bad things about the UK society

Munkeh111 said:
@ I like bacon, it really is, with chavs and tons of knife crime, gang culture, there are many bad things about the UK society

Yes, but then you give the world Ricky Gervais and it makes everything ok. Have I thanked you for that lately, UK? No? Then, Thank you.


My 4th Cake! ^.^

and I didn't even really get one in real life. Oh well.

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@ soriku, that is a nice cake, but what about using the george forman PS3 grill for a barbecue

I like Bacon said:
Even when I turn 21, I won't drink. No alcohol for me ever!

Good man.