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WTF? How can you compare the 2? Fans of Sanbox gaes will vote GTA4 and fans of Stealth will vote MGS4. This is chalk and cheese.

This thread gets 0.5.

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They are extremely different games. GTA4 however is more decieving in delivering what it promises, an "Oscar worthy" storyline consisting of unique and developed characters. In this respect MGS4 is obviously lightyears ahead of GTA4. MGS4 on the otherhand still fails to deliver the amount of gameplay it promised though still marks a large step ahead for the franchise.

Overall though there's a lot more vision, creative talent, research and effort put into MGS games than into GTA. That may not in itself make for a better "game" but it does raise its intangible value greatly in my mind at least.

GTA4 if anything is more of a step back in terms of gameplay returning to levels established by GTA3 and descending from the depth of gameplay realized in SA.

So eventhough they are very different games, MGS4 deserves far more respect simply for what it sets out to achieve and for the lengths Kojima and team will go to realize its vision.

sieanr said:
soulsamurai said:
sieanr said:

- Open ended
- Superior story, especially in terms of how its told
- Replay value
- Worthwhile online experience
- Many, many different ways of tackling missions
- Variety


the only thing you have going for you on this is open ended.

The replay value on MGS4 is actually much more then GTA IV trust me i love both games to death and went to the midnight launch for both. MGS4 is definently better though. Online with MGS4 is the best online i have ever played, and there are millions of different endings and stuff to collect......there is a different ending based on wither or not you used a Dualshock 3 or a least a variation. As for ways of tackling missions. MGS4 beats GTAIV out of the water ever aspect. Do you do things complete stealth? do you gain the trust of one side so they protect you? Do you go in FPS mode shooting anything and everything? Do you clear a way out with your MK II. As sad to say it theres more variety and ways to play MGS4 then GTAIV and GTA is a sandbox...

Also.....i have no clue where the hell you're going with story GTA can't compare to MGS....even in the way it's told i think MGS takes the cake.

That made my day

 I agree with him, MGO is very fun once you get into it. GTA IV's online was average, games lose people left and right and matchs are always small unless you play in prime time hours. Not to mention MGO is no where close to complete.

Profcrab said:
steverhcp02 said:

The "experience" is undeniably better. GTA4 may be more bang for your buck.....lets just say this.....its like comparing No Country for Old Men to There Will Be Blood. Sure, There Will Be Blood is epic and close to three hours long....but No Country was regarded as a better film. 2 masterpieces.

Enjoy both, love both. MGS by a hair....well, a couple of hairs. its pretty damn amazing.

No, it is in no way the same. Those movies are in the same genre. MGS4 and GTA4 are in totally different genres. I never in my life have said, I like Ghostbusters more than I like Psycho. If you want to do a comparison, pick MGS4 and Splinter Cell. Of course though, thinking rationally seems to fly in the face of everyone's 2nd favorite game on this forum My Favorite Game is Better Than Your Favorite Game, or, my apple is better than your orange, my whiskey is better than your rum, etc.

I give that post a 9.2.

 just my opinion. i give your gimmick a 3.

Profcrab said:
Rainbird said:
Well, not having played GTA4 I'd still put my money on MGS4. The sensation that MGS4 gives you is incredible, and no matter how fun GTA4 is, I would probably choose MGS4 over it any time.

 I don't see any problem with that logic.  You win the internet.

 I give that post a 10. 


I'm just gonna crawl into my corner and enjoy my 10.

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GTA4 is better. MGS4 is mostly for the cutscenes and storyline. GTA offers a more diverse experience

sieanr said:

- Open ended
- Superior story, especially in terms of how its told
- Replay value
- Worthwhile online experience
- Many, many different ways of tackling missions
- Variety


blazinhead89 said:
MGS4. Because not only did it live up to all the hype, it exceeded it in every single possible way . GOTY

^agee with above. it not only lived upto the hype, but over shot it like no other game has ever done.

  • greatest visuals
  • greatest sound
  • thunderous real time cut scenes
  • tons and tons of replayability
  • has a unique online mode, that will be mega updated later on
  • lol i went on last nite, and it had some tunes to download to your ipod player, as well as new suits, which there should be more and more of. it was a digital red plz bring out more. will have tons of extras availiable
  • bluray is crammed with quality additions from the grafix design to audio
  • better than anything on any other platform
  • makes you laugh on how ppl try to pick at it, ie eurotoilet(eurogamer) gives this power house of a game an 8/10 but gives extremly feeble titles on other platforms(ms) like ms. pac man and earth defence force 2049 8/10 and 9/10 respectivly.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

MGS4 > GTA IV. GTA IV is overrated.

I don't know about all this MGS4 graphics talk... Personally, I'm far more impressed with GTA IV. The amount of crap going on at any given moment in that game is staggering. The most impressive was driving through Algonquin at an obnoxious rate of speed through fog. I couldn't believe it was happening and I was floored by it.

Sure, GTA has a fair share of graphical bugs but given the scope of the game, I have a hard time faulting it when compared to a linear, cutscene-heavy experience like MGS4 (which looks great in its own right).

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