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They are extremely different games. GTA4 however is more decieving in delivering what it promises, an "Oscar worthy" storyline consisting of unique and developed characters. In this respect MGS4 is obviously lightyears ahead of GTA4. MGS4 on the otherhand still fails to deliver the amount of gameplay it promised though still marks a large step ahead for the franchise.

Overall though there's a lot more vision, creative talent, research and effort put into MGS games than into GTA. That may not in itself make for a better "game" but it does raise its intangible value greatly in my mind at least.

GTA4 if anything is more of a step back in terms of gameplay returning to levels established by GTA3 and descending from the depth of gameplay realized in SA.

So eventhough they are very different games, MGS4 deserves far more respect simply for what it sets out to achieve and for the lengths Kojima and team will go to realize its vision.