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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what game will challenge OoT for top spot?

i think spore will challenge it,even starcraft 2 might have a shot

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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Nothing will, you give any game an 8 and its out, even if it deserves an 11(MGS4).



GTA IV, well that failed I

ummmm, the only game left is a better sequel of Zelda on the Wii....idk

Spore might do it but....that game can't be compared to Zelda: OoT :D

Does it matter? Anyway I don't think so because there usually is a bias against pc games.

I think nothing would challenge OoT

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well thats what they thought it deserved

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Honestly, I don't know if anything can dethrone OoT. One day maybe, but when OoT was released the stars were synchronized, the moon was blue, and the game was hyped beyond anything released today and it actually *exceeded* those expectations.

It could happen again, but I don't know that it will.

Ninjabread Man 2.

Honestly, I have know idea. It'll be probably something that isn't on the radar yet. It'll probably be a while.

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"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

sc94597 said:
Does it matter? Anyway I don't think so because there usually is a bias against pc games.

well i think it would be time for ocarina to be dethroned after so long

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Kenology said:
Honestly, I don't know if anything can dethrone OoT. One day maybe, but when OoT was released the stars were synchronized, the moon was blue, and the game was hyped beyond anything released today and it actually *exceeded* those expectations.

For that to happen again would be one in a million.

what about halo3 and GTA4 they got more hype then OoT

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"